Botan 3.6.0
Crypto and TLS for C&
Botan::CCM_Mode Class Referenceabstract

#include <ccm.h>

Inheritance diagram for Botan::CCM_Mode:
Botan::AEAD_Mode Botan::Cipher_Mode Botan::SymmetricAlgorithm Botan::CCM_Decryption Botan::CCM_Encryption

Public Member Functions

bool associated_data_requires_key () const final
bool authenticated () const
void clear () final
size_t default_nonce_length () const final
void finish (secure_vector< uint8_t > &final_block, size_t offset=0)
template<concepts::resizable_byte_buffer T>
void finish (T &final_block, size_t offset=0)
bool has_keying_material () const final
size_t ideal_granularity () const final
Key_Length_Specification key_spec () const final
virtual size_t maximum_associated_data_inputs () const
size_t maximum_keylength () const
virtual size_t minimum_final_size () const =0
size_t minimum_keylength () const
std::string name () const final
virtual size_t output_length (size_t input_length) const =0
size_t process (std::span< uint8_t > msg)
size_t process (uint8_t msg[], size_t msg_len)
virtual std::string provider () const
bool requires_entire_message () const final
void reset () final
void set_ad (std::span< const uint8_t > ad)
void set_associated_data (const uint8_t ad[], size_t ad_len)
void set_associated_data (std::span< const uint8_t > ad)
void set_associated_data_n (size_t idx, std::span< const uint8_t > ad) final
template<typename Alloc >
void set_associated_data_vec (const std::vector< uint8_t, Alloc > &ad)
void set_key (const SymmetricKey &key)
void set_key (const uint8_t key[], size_t length)
void set_key (std::span< const uint8_t > key)
void start ()
void start (const uint8_t nonce[], size_t nonce_len)
void start (std::span< const uint8_t > nonce)
size_t tag_size () const final
template<concepts::resizable_byte_buffer T>
void update (T &buffer, size_t offset=0)
size_t update_granularity () const final
bool valid_keylength (size_t length) const
bool valid_nonce_length (size_t) const final

Static Public Member Functions

static std::unique_ptr< AEAD_Modecreate (std::string_view algo, Cipher_Dir direction, std::string_view provider="")
static std::unique_ptr< AEAD_Modecreate_or_throw (std::string_view algo, Cipher_Dir direction, std::string_view provider="")
static std::vector< std::string > providers (std::string_view algo_spec)

Protected Member Functions

const secure_vector< uint8_t > & ad_buf () const
void assert_key_material_set () const
void assert_key_material_set (bool predicate) const
 CCM_Mode (std::unique_ptr< BlockCipher > cipher, size_t tag_size, size_t L)
const BlockCiphercipher () const
void encode_length (uint64_t len, uint8_t out[])
virtual void finish_msg (secure_vector< uint8_t > &final_block, size_t offset=0)=0
secure_vector< uint8_t > format_b0 (size_t msg_size)
secure_vector< uint8_t > format_c0 ()
size_t L () const
secure_vector< uint8_t > & msg_buf ()

Static Protected Member Functions

static void inc (secure_vector< uint8_t > &C)

Detailed Description

Base class for CCM encryption and decryption

See also
RFC 3610

Definition at line 21 of file ccm.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CCM_Mode()

Botan::CCM_Mode::CCM_Mode ( std::unique_ptr< BlockCipher > cipher,
size_t tag_size,
size_t L )

Definition at line 23 of file ccm.cpp.

23 :
24 m_tag_size(tag_size), m_L(L), m_cipher(std::move(cipher)) {
25 if(m_cipher->block_size() != CCM_BS) {
26 throw Invalid_Argument(m_cipher->name() + " cannot be used with CCM mode");
27 }
29 if(L < 2 || L > 8) {
30 throw Invalid_Argument(fmt("Invalid CCM L value {}", L));
31 }
33 if(tag_size < 4 || tag_size > 16 || tag_size % 2 != 0) {
34 throw Invalid_Argument(fmt("Invalid CCM tag length {}", tag_size));
35 }
const BlockCipher & cipher() const
Definition ccm.h:54
size_t L() const
Definition ccm.h:52
size_t tag_size() const final
Definition ccm.h:45
std::string fmt(std::string_view format, const T &... args)
Definition fmt.h:53

References L(), and tag_size().

Member Function Documentation

◆ ad_buf()

const secure_vector< uint8_t > & Botan::CCM_Mode::ad_buf ( ) const

Definition at line 60 of file ccm.h.

60{ return m_ad_buf; }

◆ assert_key_material_set() [1/2]

void Botan::SymmetricAlgorithm::assert_key_material_set ( ) const

Definition at line 139 of file sym_algo.h.

virtual bool has_keying_material() const =0
void assert_key_material_set() const
Definition sym_algo.h:139

References Botan::SymmetricAlgorithm::assert_key_material_set().

Referenced by Botan::SymmetricAlgorithm::assert_key_material_set(), Botan::Salsa20::cipher_bytes(), Botan::AES_128::decrypt_n(), Botan::AES_192::decrypt_n(), Botan::AES_256::decrypt_n(), Botan::ARIA_128::decrypt_n(), Botan::ARIA_192::decrypt_n(), Botan::ARIA_256::decrypt_n(), Botan::Blowfish::decrypt_n(), Botan::Camellia_128::decrypt_n(), Botan::Camellia_192::decrypt_n(), Botan::Camellia_256::decrypt_n(), Botan::CAST_128::decrypt_n(), Botan::DES::decrypt_n(), Botan::GOST_28147_89::decrypt_n(), Botan::IDEA::decrypt_n(), Botan::Kuznyechik::decrypt_n(), Botan::Lion::decrypt_n(), Botan::Noekeon::decrypt_n(), Botan::SEED::decrypt_n(), Botan::Serpent::decrypt_n(), Botan::SHACAL2::decrypt_n(), Botan::SM4::decrypt_n(), Botan::Threefish_512::decrypt_n(), Botan::TripleDES::decrypt_n(), Botan::Twofish::decrypt_n(), Botan::AES_128::encrypt_n(), Botan::AES_192::encrypt_n(), Botan::AES_256::encrypt_n(), Botan::ARIA_128::encrypt_n(), Botan::ARIA_192::encrypt_n(), Botan::ARIA_256::encrypt_n(), Botan::Blowfish::encrypt_n(), Botan::Camellia_128::encrypt_n(), Botan::Camellia_192::encrypt_n(), Botan::Camellia_256::encrypt_n(), Botan::CAST_128::encrypt_n(), Botan::DES::encrypt_n(), Botan::GOST_28147_89::encrypt_n(), Botan::IDEA::encrypt_n(), Botan::Kuznyechik::encrypt_n(), Botan::Lion::encrypt_n(), Botan::Noekeon::encrypt_n(), Botan::SEED::encrypt_n(), Botan::Serpent::encrypt_n(), Botan::SHACAL2::encrypt_n(), Botan::SM4::encrypt_n(), Botan::Threefish_512::encrypt_n(), Botan::TripleDES::encrypt_n(), Botan::Twofish::encrypt_n(), Botan::GHASH::final(), Botan::GHASH::ghash_update(), Botan::ChaCha::seek(), Botan::CTR_BE::seek(), Botan::Salsa20::seek(), Botan::OCB_Mode::set_associated_data_n(), Botan::Salsa20::set_iv_bytes(), Botan::GHASH::update(), and Botan::GHASH::update_associated_data().

◆ assert_key_material_set() [2/2]

void Botan::SymmetricAlgorithm::assert_key_material_set ( bool predicate) const

Definition at line 141 of file sym_algo.h.

141 {
142 if(!predicate) {
143 throw_key_not_set_error();
144 }
145 }

◆ associated_data_requires_key()

bool Botan::CCM_Mode::associated_data_requires_key ( ) const

Most AEADs require the key to be set prior to setting the AD A few allow the AD to be set even before the cipher is keyed. Such ciphers would return false from this function.

Reimplemented from Botan::AEAD_Mode.

Definition at line 25 of file ccm.h.

25{ return false; }

◆ authenticated()

bool Botan::Cipher_Mode::authenticated ( ) const

Return the length in bytes of the authentication tag this algorithm generates. If the mode is not authenticated, this will return 0.

true iff this mode provides authentication as well as confidentiality.

Definition at line 264 of file cipher_mode.h.

264{ return this->tag_size() > 0; }
virtual size_t tag_size() const

◆ cipher()

const BlockCipher & Botan::CCM_Mode::cipher ( ) const

Definition at line 54 of file ccm.h.

54{ return *m_cipher; }

◆ clear()

void Botan::CCM_Mode::clear ( )

Reset the internal state. This includes not just the key, but any partial message that may have been in process.

Implements Botan::SymmetricAlgorithm.

Definition at line 38 of file ccm.cpp.

38 {
39 m_cipher->clear();
40 reset();
void reset() final
Definition ccm.cpp:43

References reset().

◆ create()

std::unique_ptr< AEAD_Mode > Botan::AEAD_Mode::create ( std::string_view algo,
Cipher_Dir direction,
std::string_view provider = "" )

Create an AEAD mode

algothe algorithm to create
directionspecify if this should be an encryption or decryption AEAD
provideroptional specification for provider to use
an AEAD mode or a null pointer if not available

Definition at line 53 of file aead.cpp.

53 {
55#if defined(BOTAN_HAS_AEAD_CHACHA20_POLY1305)
56 if(algo == "ChaCha20Poly1305") {
57 if(dir == Cipher_Dir::Encryption) {
58 return std::make_unique<ChaCha20Poly1305_Encryption>();
59 } else {
60 return std::make_unique<ChaCha20Poly1305_Decryption>();
61 }
62 }
65 if(algo.find('/') != std::string::npos) {
66 const std::vector<std::string> algo_parts = split_on(algo, '/');
67 std::string_view cipher_name = algo_parts[0];
68 const std::vector<std::string> mode_info = parse_algorithm_name(algo_parts[1]);
70 if(mode_info.empty()) {
71 return std::unique_ptr<AEAD_Mode>();
72 }
74 std::ostringstream mode_name;
76 mode_name << mode_info[0] << '(' << cipher_name;
77 for(size_t i = 1; i < mode_info.size(); ++i) {
78 mode_name << ',' << mode_info[i];
79 }
80 for(size_t i = 2; i < algo_parts.size(); ++i) {
81 mode_name << ',' << algo_parts[i];
82 }
83 mode_name << ')';
85 return AEAD_Mode::create(mode_name.str(), dir);
86 }
90 SCAN_Name req(algo);
92 if(req.arg_count() == 0) {
93 return std::unique_ptr<AEAD_Mode>();
94 }
96 auto bc = BlockCipher::create(req.arg(0), provider);
98 if(!bc) {
99 return std::unique_ptr<AEAD_Mode>();
100 }
102 #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_AEAD_CCM)
103 if(req.algo_name() == "CCM") {
104 size_t tag_len = req.arg_as_integer(1, 16);
105 size_t L_len = req.arg_as_integer(2, 3);
106 if(dir == Cipher_Dir::Encryption) {
107 return std::make_unique<CCM_Encryption>(std::move(bc), tag_len, L_len);
108 } else {
109 return std::make_unique<CCM_Decryption>(std::move(bc), tag_len, L_len);
110 }
111 }
112 #endif
114 #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_AEAD_GCM)
115 if(req.algo_name() == "GCM") {
116 size_t tag_len = req.arg_as_integer(1, 16);
117 if(dir == Cipher_Dir::Encryption) {
118 return std::make_unique<GCM_Encryption>(std::move(bc), tag_len);
119 } else {
120 return std::make_unique<GCM_Decryption>(std::move(bc), tag_len);
121 }
122 }
123 #endif
125 #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_AEAD_OCB)
126 if(req.algo_name() == "OCB") {
127 size_t tag_len = req.arg_as_integer(1, 16);
128 if(dir == Cipher_Dir::Encryption) {
129 return std::make_unique<OCB_Encryption>(std::move(bc), tag_len);
130 } else {
131 return std::make_unique<OCB_Decryption>(std::move(bc), tag_len);
132 }
133 }
134 #endif
136 #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_AEAD_EAX)
137 if(req.algo_name() == "EAX") {
138 size_t tag_len = req.arg_as_integer(1, bc->block_size());
139 if(dir == Cipher_Dir::Encryption) {
140 return std::make_unique<EAX_Encryption>(std::move(bc), tag_len);
141 } else {
142 return std::make_unique<EAX_Decryption>(std::move(bc), tag_len);
143 }
144 }
145 #endif
147 #if defined(BOTAN_HAS_AEAD_SIV)
148 if(req.algo_name() == "SIV") {
149 if(dir == Cipher_Dir::Encryption) {
150 return std::make_unique<SIV_Encryption>(std::move(bc));
151 } else {
152 return std::make_unique<SIV_Decryption>(std::move(bc));
153 }
154 }
155 #endif
159 return std::unique_ptr<AEAD_Mode>();
Definition assert.h:118
static std::unique_ptr< AEAD_Mode > create(std::string_view algo, Cipher_Dir direction, std::string_view provider="")
Definition aead.cpp:53
static std::unique_ptr< BlockCipher > create(std::string_view algo_spec, std::string_view provider="")
virtual std::string provider() const
std::vector< std::string > split_on(std::string_view str, char delim)
Definition parsing.cpp:111
std::vector< std::string > parse_algorithm_name(std::string_view namex)
Definition parsing.cpp:57

References Botan::SCAN_Name::algo_name(), Botan::SCAN_Name::arg(), Botan::SCAN_Name::arg_as_integer(), Botan::SCAN_Name::arg_count(), BOTAN_UNUSED, Botan::AEAD_Mode::create(), Botan::BlockCipher::create(), Botan::Encryption, Botan::parse_algorithm_name(), Botan::Cipher_Mode::provider(), and Botan::split_on().

Referenced by Botan::AEAD_Mode::create(), Botan::Cipher_Mode::create(), Botan::AEAD_Mode::create_or_throw(), and Botan::get_aead().

◆ create_or_throw()

std::unique_ptr< AEAD_Mode > Botan::AEAD_Mode::create_or_throw ( std::string_view algo,
Cipher_Dir direction,
std::string_view provider = "" )

Create an AEAD mode, or throw

algothe algorithm to create
directionspecify if this should be an encryption or decryption AEAD
provideroptional specification for provider to use
an AEAD mode, or throw an exception

Definition at line 43 of file aead.cpp.

45 {
46 if(auto aead = AEAD_Mode::create(algo, dir, provider)) {
47 return aead;
48 }
50 throw Lookup_Error("AEAD", algo, provider);

References Botan::AEAD_Mode::create(), and Botan::Cipher_Mode::provider().

Referenced by Botan::TLS::Cipher_State::advance_with_server_hello(), Botan::TLS::Connection_Cipher_State::Connection_Cipher_State(), Botan::TLS::Session::decrypt(), and Botan::TLS::Session::encrypt().

◆ default_nonce_length()

size_t Botan::CCM_Mode::default_nonce_length ( ) const
default AEAD nonce size (a commonly supported value among AEAD modes, and large enough that random collisions are unlikely)

Reimplemented from Botan::AEAD_Mode.

Definition at line 57 of file ccm.cpp.

57 {
58 return (15 - L());

References L().

◆ encode_length()

void Botan::CCM_Mode::encode_length ( uint64_t len,
uint8_t out[] )

Definition at line 119 of file ccm.cpp.

119 {
120 const size_t len_bytes = L();
122 BOTAN_ASSERT_NOMSG(len_bytes >= 2 && len_bytes <= 8);
124 for(size_t i = 0; i != len_bytes; ++i) {
125 out[len_bytes - 1 - i] = get_byte_var(sizeof(uint64_t) - 1 - i, len);
126 }
128 if(len_bytes < 8 && (len >> (len_bytes * 8)) > 0) {
129 throw Encoding_Error("CCM message length too long to encode in L field");
130 }
#define BOTAN_ASSERT_NOMSG(expr)
Definition assert.h:59
constexpr uint8_t get_byte_var(size_t byte_num, T input)
Definition loadstor.h:65

References BOTAN_ASSERT_NOMSG, Botan::get_byte_var(), and L().

Referenced by format_b0().

◆ finish() [1/2]

void Botan::Cipher_Mode::finish ( secure_vector< uint8_t > & final_block,
size_t offset = 0 )

Complete procession of a message with a final input of buffer, which is treated the same as with update(). If you have the entire message in hand, calling finish() without ever calling update() is both efficient and convenient.

When using an AEAD_Mode, if the supplied authentication tag does not validate, this will throw an instance of Invalid_Authentication_Tag.

If this occurs, all plaintext previously output via calls to update must be destroyed and not used in any way that an attacker could observe the effects of. This could be anything from echoing the plaintext back (perhaps in an error message), or by making an external RPC whose destination or contents depend on the plaintext. The only thing you can do is buffer it, and in the event of an invalid tag, erase the previously decrypted content from memory.

One simple way to assure this could never happen is to never call update, and instead always marshal the entire message into a single buffer and call finish on it when decrypting.

final_blockin/out parameter which must be at least minimum_final_size() bytes, and will be set to any final output
offsetan offset into final_block to begin processing

Definition at line 180 of file cipher_mode.h.

180{ finish_msg(final_block, offset); }
virtual void finish_msg(secure_vector< uint8_t > &final_block, size_t offset=0)=0

Referenced by botan_cipher_update(), and Botan::TLS::write_record().

◆ finish() [2/2]

template<concepts::resizable_byte_buffer T>
void Botan::Cipher_Mode::finish ( T & final_block,
size_t offset = 0 )

Complete procession of a message.

Note: Using this overload with anything but a Botan::secure_vector<> is copying the bytes in the in/out buffer.

final_blockin/out parameter which must be at least minimum_final_size() bytes, and will be set to any final output
offsetan offset into final_block to begin processing

Definition at line 193 of file cipher_mode.h.

193 {
194 Botan::secure_vector<uint8_t> tmp(final_block.begin(), final_block.end());
195 finish_msg(tmp, offset);
196 final_block.resize(tmp.size());
197 std::copy(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), final_block.begin());
198 }
std::vector< T, secure_allocator< T > > secure_vector
Definition secmem.h:61

◆ finish_msg()

virtual void Botan::Cipher_Mode::finish_msg ( secure_vector< uint8_t > & final_block,
size_t offset = 0 )
protectedpure virtualinherited

◆ format_b0()

secure_vector< uint8_t > Botan::CCM_Mode::format_b0 ( size_t msg_size)

Definition at line 141 of file ccm.cpp.

141 {
142 if(m_nonce.size() != 15 - L()) {
143 throw Invalid_State("CCM mode must set nonce");
144 }
145 secure_vector<uint8_t> B0(CCM_BS);
147 const uint8_t b_flags =
148 static_cast<uint8_t>((!m_ad_buf.empty() ? 64 : 0) + (((tag_size() / 2) - 1) << 3) + (L() - 1));
150 B0[0] = b_flags;
151 copy_mem(&B0[1],, m_nonce.size());
152 encode_length(sz, &B0[m_nonce.size() + 1]);
154 return B0;
void encode_length(uint64_t len, uint8_t out[])
Definition ccm.cpp:119
constexpr void copy_mem(T *out, const T *in, size_t n)
Definition mem_ops.h:146

References Botan::copy_mem(), encode_length(), L(), and tag_size().

◆ format_c0()

secure_vector< uint8_t > Botan::CCM_Mode::format_c0 ( )

Definition at line 157 of file ccm.cpp.

157 {
158 if(m_nonce.size() != 15 - L()) {
159 throw Invalid_State("CCM mode must set nonce");
160 }
161 secure_vector<uint8_t> C(CCM_BS);
163 const uint8_t a_flags = static_cast<uint8_t>(L() - 1);
165 C[0] = a_flags;
166 copy_mem(&C[1],, m_nonce.size());
168 return C;

References Botan::copy_mem(), and L().

◆ has_keying_material()

bool Botan::CCM_Mode::has_keying_material ( ) const
true if a key has been set on this object

Implements Botan::SymmetricAlgorithm.

Definition at line 78 of file ccm.cpp.

78 {
79 return m_cipher->has_keying_material();

◆ ideal_granularity()

size_t Botan::CCM_Mode::ideal_granularity ( ) const

Return an ideal granularity. This will be a multiple of the result of update_granularity but may be larger. If so it indicates that better performance may be achieved by providing buffers that are at least that size (due to SIMD execution, etc).

Implements Botan::Cipher_Mode.

Definition at line 65 of file ccm.cpp.

65 {
66 // Completely arbitrary
67 return m_cipher->parallel_bytes();

◆ inc()

void Botan::CCM_Mode::inc ( secure_vector< uint8_t > & C)

Definition at line 133 of file ccm.cpp.

133 {
134 for(size_t i = 0; i != C.size(); ++i) {
135 if(++C[C.size() - i - 1]) {
136 break;
137 }
138 }

◆ key_spec()

Key_Length_Specification Botan::CCM_Mode::key_spec ( ) const
object describing limits on key size

Implements Botan::SymmetricAlgorithm.

Definition at line 74 of file ccm.cpp.

74 {
75 return m_cipher->key_spec();

◆ L()

size_t Botan::CCM_Mode::L ( ) const

Definition at line 52 of file ccm.h.

52{ return m_L; }

Referenced by CCM_Mode(), default_nonce_length(), encode_length(), format_b0(), format_c0(), name(), and valid_nonce_length().

◆ maximum_associated_data_inputs()

virtual size_t Botan::AEAD_Mode::maximum_associated_data_inputs ( ) const

Returns the maximum supported number of associated data inputs which can be provided to set_associated_data_n

If returns 0, then no associated data is supported.

Reimplemented in Botan::SIV_Mode.

Definition at line 91 of file aead.h.

91{ return 1; }

◆ maximum_keylength()

size_t Botan::SymmetricAlgorithm::maximum_keylength ( ) const
maximum allowed key length

Definition at line 95 of file sym_algo.h.

95{ return key_spec().maximum_keylength(); }
size_t maximum_keylength() const
Definition sym_algo.h:54
virtual Key_Length_Specification key_spec() const =0

◆ minimum_final_size()

◆ minimum_keylength()

size_t Botan::SymmetricAlgorithm::minimum_keylength ( ) const
minimum allowed key length

Definition at line 100 of file sym_algo.h.

100{ return key_spec().minimum_keylength(); }
size_t minimum_keylength() const
Definition sym_algo.h:49

◆ msg_buf()

secure_vector< uint8_t > & Botan::CCM_Mode::msg_buf ( )

Definition at line 62 of file ccm.h.

62{ return m_msg_buf; }

◆ name()

std::string Botan::CCM_Mode::name ( ) const
the algorithm name

Implements Botan::SymmetricAlgorithm.

Definition at line 49 of file ccm.cpp.

49 {
50 return fmt("{}/CCM({},{})", m_cipher->name(), tag_size(), L());

References Botan::fmt(), L(), and tag_size().

◆ output_length()

virtual size_t Botan::Cipher_Mode::output_length ( size_t input_length) const
pure virtualinherited

◆ process() [1/2]

size_t Botan::Cipher_Mode::process ( std::span< uint8_t > msg)

Process message blocks

Input must be a multiple of update_granularity

Processes msg in place and returns bytes written. Normally this will be either msg_len (indicating the entire message was processed) or for certain AEAD modes zero (indicating that the mode requires the entire message be processed in one pass).

msgthe message to be processed
bytes written in-place

Definition at line 132 of file cipher_mode.h.

132{ return this->process_msg(, msg.size()); }
virtual size_t process_msg(uint8_t msg[], size_t msg_len)=0

Referenced by botan_cipher_update().

◆ process() [2/2]

size_t Botan::Cipher_Mode::process ( uint8_t msg[],
size_t msg_len )

Definition at line 134 of file cipher_mode.h.

134{ return this->process_msg(msg, msg_len); }

◆ provider()

virtual std::string Botan::Cipher_Mode::provider ( ) const
provider information about this implementation. Default is "base", might also return "sse2", "avx2", "openssl", or some other arbitrary string.

Reimplemented in Botan::GCM_Mode.

Definition at line 275 of file cipher_mode.h.

275{ return "base"; }

Referenced by Botan::AEAD_Mode::create(), Botan::Cipher_Mode::create(), Botan::AEAD_Mode::create_or_throw(), and Botan::Cipher_Mode::create_or_throw().

◆ providers()

std::vector< std::string > Botan::Cipher_Mode::providers ( std::string_view algo_spec)
list of available providers for this algorithm, empty if not available
algo_specalgorithm name

Definition at line 168 of file cipher_mode.cpp.

168 {
169 const std::vector<std::string>& possible = {"base", "commoncrypto"};
170 std::vector<std::string> providers;
171 for(auto&& prov : possible) {
172 auto mode = Cipher_Mode::create(algo_spec, Cipher_Dir::Encryption, prov);
173 if(mode) {
174 providers.push_back(prov); // available
175 }
176 }
177 return providers;
static std::unique_ptr< Cipher_Mode > create(std::string_view algo, Cipher_Dir direction, std::string_view provider="")
static std::vector< std::string > providers(std::string_view algo_spec)

References Botan::Cipher_Mode::create(), Botan::Encryption, and Botan::Cipher_Mode::providers().

Referenced by Botan::Cipher_Mode::providers().

◆ requires_entire_message()

bool Botan::CCM_Mode::requires_entire_message ( ) const

Certain modes require the entire message be available before any processing can occur. For such modes, input will be consumed but not returned, until finish is called, which returns the entire message.

This function returns true if this mode has this style of operation.

Reimplemented from Botan::Cipher_Mode.

Definition at line 70 of file ccm.cpp.

70 {
71 return true;

◆ reset()

void Botan::CCM_Mode::reset ( )

Resets just the message specific state and allows encrypting again under the existing key

Implements Botan::Cipher_Mode.

Definition at line 43 of file ccm.cpp.

43 {
44 m_nonce.clear();
45 m_msg_buf.clear();
46 m_ad_buf.clear();

Referenced by clear().

◆ set_ad()

void Botan::AEAD_Mode::set_ad ( std::span< const uint8_t > ad)

Set associated data that is not included in the ciphertext but that should be authenticated. Must be called after set_key() and before start().

See set_associated_data().

adthe associated data

Definition at line 124 of file aead.h.

124{ set_associated_data(ad); }
void set_associated_data(std::span< const uint8_t > ad)
Definition aead.h:59

◆ set_associated_data() [1/2]

void Botan::AEAD_Mode::set_associated_data ( const uint8_t ad[],
size_t ad_len )

Definition at line 61 of file aead.h.

61{ set_associated_data(std::span(ad, ad_len)); }

References Botan::AEAD_Mode::set_associated_data().

Referenced by Botan::AEAD_Mode::set_associated_data().

◆ set_associated_data() [2/2]

void Botan::AEAD_Mode::set_associated_data ( std::span< const uint8_t > ad)

Set associated data that is not included in the ciphertext but that should be authenticated. Must be called after set_key() and before start().

Unless reset by another call, the associated data is kept between messages. Thus, if the AD does not change, calling once (after set_key()) is the optimum.

adthe associated data

Definition at line 59 of file aead.h.

59{ set_associated_data_n(0, ad); }
virtual void set_associated_data_n(size_t idx, std::span< const uint8_t > ad)=0

Referenced by Botan::TLS::write_record().

◆ set_associated_data_n()

void Botan::CCM_Mode::set_associated_data_n ( size_t idx,
std::span< const uint8_t > ad )

Set associated data that is not included in the ciphertext but that should be authenticated. Must be called after set_key() and before start().

Unless reset by another call, the associated data is kept between messages. Thus, if the AD does not change, calling once (after set_key()) is the optimum.

Some AEADs (namely SIV) support multiple AD inputs. For all other modes only nominal AD input 0 is supported; all other values of idx will cause an exception.

Derived AEADs must implement this. For AEADs where maximum_associated_data_inputs() returns 1 (the default), the idx must simply be ignored.

idxwhich associated data to set
adthe associated data

Implements Botan::AEAD_Mode.

Definition at line 86 of file ccm.cpp.

86 {
87 BOTAN_ARG_CHECK(idx == 0, "CCM: cannot handle non-zero index in set_associated_data_n");
89 m_ad_buf.clear();
91 if(!ad.empty()) {
92 // FIXME: support larger AD using length encoding rules
93 BOTAN_ARG_CHECK(ad.size() < (0xFFFF - 0xFF), "Supported CCM AD length");
95 m_ad_buf.push_back(get_byte<0>(static_cast<uint16_t>(ad.size())));
96 m_ad_buf.push_back(get_byte<1>(static_cast<uint16_t>(ad.size())));
97 m_ad_buf.insert(m_ad_buf.end(), ad.begin(), ad.end());
98 while(m_ad_buf.size() % CCM_BS) {
99 m_ad_buf.push_back(0); // pad with zeros to full block size
100 }
101 }
#define BOTAN_ARG_CHECK(expr, msg)
Definition assert.h:29
constexpr uint8_t get_byte(T input)
Definition loadstor.h:75

References BOTAN_ARG_CHECK, and Botan::get_byte().

◆ set_associated_data_vec()

template<typename Alloc >
void Botan::AEAD_Mode::set_associated_data_vec ( const std::vector< uint8_t, Alloc > & ad)

Set associated data that is not included in the ciphertext but that should be authenticated. Must be called after set_key() and before start().

See set_associated_data().

adthe associated data

Definition at line 111 of file aead.h.

111 {
113 }

◆ set_key() [1/3]

◆ set_key() [2/3]

void Botan::SymmetricAlgorithm::set_key ( const uint8_t key[],
size_t length )

Set the symmetric key of this object.

keythe to be set as a byte array.
lengthin bytes of key param

Definition at line 126 of file sym_algo.h.

126{ set_key(std::span{key, length}); }

References Botan::SymmetricAlgorithm::set_key().

Referenced by Botan::SymmetricAlgorithm::set_key().

◆ set_key() [3/3]

void Botan::SymmetricAlgorithm::set_key ( std::span< const uint8_t > key)

Set the symmetric key of this object.

keythe contiguous byte range to be set.

Definition at line 17 of file sym_algo.cpp.

17 {
18 if(!valid_keylength(key.size())) {
19 throw Invalid_Key_Length(name(), key.size());
20 }
21 key_schedule(key);
bool valid_keylength(size_t length) const
Definition sym_algo.h:107
virtual std::string name() const =0

References Botan::SymmetricAlgorithm::name(), and Botan::SymmetricAlgorithm::valid_keylength().

◆ start() [1/3]

void Botan::Cipher_Mode::start ( )

Begin processing a message.

The exact semantics of this depend on the mode. For many modes, the call will fail since a nonce must be provided.

For certain modes such as CBC this will instead cause the last ciphertext block to be used as the nonce of the new message; doing this isn't a good idea, but some (mostly older) protocols do this.

Definition at line 117 of file cipher_mode.h.

117{ return start_msg(nullptr, 0); }
virtual void start_msg(const uint8_t nonce[], size_t nonce_len)=0

◆ start() [2/3]

void Botan::Cipher_Mode::start ( const uint8_t nonce[],
size_t nonce_len )

Begin processing a message with a fresh nonce.

noncethe per message nonce
nonce_lenlength of nonce

Definition at line 105 of file cipher_mode.h.

105{ start_msg(nonce, nonce_len); }

◆ start() [3/3]

void Botan::Cipher_Mode::start ( std::span< const uint8_t > nonce)

Begin processing a message with a fresh nonce.

Typically one must not reuse the same nonce for more than one message under the same key. For most cipher modes this would mean total loss of security and/or authenticity guarantees.
If reliably generating unique nonces is difficult in your environment, use SIV which retains security even if nonces are repeated.
noncethe per message nonce

Definition at line 98 of file cipher_mode.h.

98{ start_msg(, nonce.size()); }

Referenced by botan_cipher_start(), and Botan::TLS::write_record().

◆ tag_size()

size_t Botan::CCM_Mode::tag_size ( ) const
the size of the authentication tag used (in bytes)

Reimplemented from Botan::Cipher_Mode.

Definition at line 45 of file ccm.h.

45{ return m_tag_size; }

Referenced by CCM_Mode(), format_b0(), Botan::CCM_Decryption::minimum_final_size(), name(), Botan::CCM_Decryption::output_length(), and Botan::CCM_Encryption::output_length().

◆ update()

template<concepts::resizable_byte_buffer T>
void Botan::Cipher_Mode::update ( T & buffer,
size_t offset = 0 )

Process some data. Input must be in size update_granularity() uint8_t blocks. The buffer is an in/out parameter and may be resized. In particular, some modes require that all input be consumed before any output is produced; with these modes, buffer will be returned empty.

The first offset bytes of buffer will be ignored (this allows in place processing of a buffer that contains an initial plaintext header).

bufferin/out parameter which will possibly be resized
offsetan offset into blocks to begin processing

Definition at line 149 of file cipher_mode.h.

149 {
150 BOTAN_ASSERT(buffer.size() >= offset, "Offset ok");
151 const size_t written = process(std::span(buffer).subspan(offset));
152 buffer.resize(offset + written);
153 }
#define BOTAN_ASSERT(expr, assertion_made)
Definition assert.h:50
size_t process(std::span< uint8_t > msg)

References BOTAN_ASSERT.

◆ update_granularity()

size_t Botan::CCM_Mode::update_granularity ( ) const

The :cpp:class:Cipher_Mode interface requires message processing in multiples of the block size. This returns size of required blocks to update. If the mode implementation does not require buffering it will return 1.

size of required blocks to update

Implements Botan::Cipher_Mode.

Definition at line 61 of file ccm.cpp.

61 {
62 return 1;

◆ valid_keylength()

bool Botan::SymmetricAlgorithm::valid_keylength ( size_t length) const

Check whether a given key length is valid for this algorithm.

lengththe key length to be checked.
true if the key length is valid.

Definition at line 107 of file sym_algo.h.

107{ return key_spec().valid_keylength(length); }
bool valid_keylength(size_t length) const
Definition sym_algo.h:42

Referenced by Botan::SymmetricAlgorithm::set_key().

◆ valid_nonce_length()

bool Botan::CCM_Mode::valid_nonce_length ( size_t nonce_len) const
true iff nonce_len is a valid length for the nonce

Implements Botan::Cipher_Mode.

Definition at line 53 of file ccm.cpp.

53 {
54 return (n == (15 - L()));

References L().

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