Here is a list of all functions with links to the classes they belong to:
- b -
- b() : Botan::EC_Group_Data, Botan::FrodoKEMConstants
- back() : Botan::bitvector_base< AllocatorT >, Botan::detail::Strong_Adapter< T >
- barrett_reduce() : Botan::CRYSTALS::Trait_Base< ConstantsT, DerivedT >
- Barrier() : Botan::Barrier
- base() : Botan::GeneralSubtree
- Base64_Decoder() : Botan::Base64_Decoder
- base64_encode() : Botan::OCSP::Request
- Base64_Encoder() : Botan::Base64_Encoder
- base_point() : Botan::Ed448Point
- base_point_mul_x_mod_order() : Botan::PCurve::PrimeOrderCurve, Botan::PCurve::PrimeOrderCurveImpl< C >
- base_w() : Botan::XMSS_WOTS_Parameters
- Basic_Constraints() : Botan::Cert_Extension::Basic_Constraints
- basic_validation() : Botan::TLS::Server_Hello_13
- Bcrypt_PBKDF() : Botan::Bcrypt_PBKDF
- Bcrypt_PBKDF_Family() : Botan::Bcrypt_PBKDF_Family
- begin() : Botan::bitvector_base< AllocatorT >, Botan::CRYSTALS::Polynomial< Trait, D >, Botan::CRYSTALS::PolynomialMatrix< Trait >, Botan::CRYSTALS::PolynomialVector< Trait, D >, Botan::detail::Container_Strong_Adapter_Base< T >, Botan::OctetString, Botan::StrongSpan< T >
- BER_Bad_Tag() : Botan::BER_Bad_Tag
- BER_decode() : Botan::DL_Group
- BER_Decoder() : Botan::BER_Decoder
- BER_Decoding_Error() : Botan::BER_Decoding_Error
- BER_encode() : Botan::ASN1_Object, Botan::OCSP::Request
- BER_Object() : Botan::BER_Object
- beta() : Botan::DilithiumConstants
- BigInt() : Botan::BigInt
- binary_decode() : Botan::BigInt
- binary_encode() : Botan::BigInt
- binary_value() : Botan::UUID
- bind() : Botan::SQL_Database::Statement
- bit_from_string() : Botan::CPUID
- bit_rate() : Botan::Keccak_Permutation
- bitref() : Botan::bitvector_base< AllocatorT >::bitref< BlockT >
- bits() : Botan::BER_Object, Botan::BigInt
- bits_of() : Botan::OctetString
- bitsec() : Botan::Sphincs_Parameters
- bitvector_base() : Botan::bitvector_base< AllocatorT >
- bitvector_iterator() : Botan::detail::bitvector_iterator< T >
- BLAKE2b() : Botan::BLAKE2b
- BLAKE2bMAC() : Botan::BLAKE2bMAC
- BLAKE2s() : Botan::BLAKE2s
- blamka() : Botan::Argon2
- blind() : Botan::Blinder
- Blinder() : Botan::Blinder
- block_size() : Botan::AES_256_CTR_XOF, Botan::Block_Cipher_Fixed_Params< BS, KMIN, KMAX, KMOD, BaseClass >, Botan::BlockCipher, Botan::Cascade_Cipher, Botan::CBC_Mode, Botan::CFB_Mode, Botan::cSHAKE_XOF, Botan::EAX_Mode, Botan::Lion, Botan::OCB_Mode, Botan::SHAKE_XOF, Botan::SIV_Mode, Botan::TLS::TLS_CBC_HMAC_AEAD_Mode, Botan::XOF
- body() : Botan::HTTP::Response
- BOTAN_FUNC_ISA() : Botan::SIMD_16x32, Botan::SIMD_8x32
- botan_struct() : Botan_FFI::botan_struct< T, MAGIC >
- bottom_sig() : Botan::HSS_Signature
- Bounded_XOF() : Botan::detail::Bounded_XOF< XofT, bound >
- brainpool256r1() : Botan::PCurve::PCurveInstance
- brainpool384r1() : Botan::PCurve::PCurveInstance
- brainpool512r1() : Botan::PCurve::PCurveInstance
- bswap() : Botan::SIMD_4x32
- buffer_reset() : Botan::Buffered_Filter
- buffer_size() : Botan::ChaCha, Botan::CTR_BE, Botan::OFB, Botan::RC4, Botan::Salsa20, Botan::SHAKE_Cipher, Botan::StreamCipher
- buffered_block() : Botan::Buffered_Filter
- buffered_block_size() : Botan::Buffered_Filter
- Buffered_Filter() : Botan::Buffered_Filter
- buffered_final() : Botan::Buffered_Filter
- BufferSlicer() : Botan::BufferSlicer
- BufferStuffer() : Botan::BufferStuffer
- by_id() : Botan::TLS::Ciphersuite
- byte_at() : Botan::BigInt
- byte_rate() : Botan::Keccak_Permutation
- bytes() : Botan::BigInt, Botan::Classic_McEliece_Matrix, Botan::EC_Scalar, Botan::EC_Scalar_Data, Botan::EC_Scalar_Data_BN, Botan::EC_Scalar_Data_PC, Botan::PCurve::PrimeOrderCurve::AffinePoint, Botan::PCurve::PrimeOrderCurve::Scalar, Botan::XMSS_Address, Botan::XMSS_Signature
- bytes_are_canonical_representation() : Botan::Gf448Elem
- bytes_are_reduced() : Botan::Scalar448