Botan 3.7.1
Crypto and TLS for C&
Here is a list of all topics with brief descriptions:
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 Build Information
 ASN.1 Handlingasn1: Process/encode/decode ASN.1 data structures and map OIDs
 Base Typesbase: Defines some high level types
 Block Ciphersblock: Implementations of block cipher algorithms
 Codecscodec: Helpers for data encoding and decoding
 Compatibilitycompat: Helpers for compatibility with other libraries
 Compressioncompression: Wrappers for compression algorithms
 Entropy Collectionentropy: Implementations of entropy sources
 Foreign Function Interfaceffi: C API for Botan's functionality
 Filtersfilters: Filter/Pipe API for data transformations
 Hasheshash: Implementations of hash algorithms
 Key Derivation Functionskdf: Implementations of Key Derivation Functions
 Message Authentication Codesmac: Implementations of Message Authentication Codes
 Mathmath: Mathematical helpers; mostly big integer math
 Miscellaneousmisc: Odds and ends: Algorithms and protocols that don't fit any of the other modules
 Block Cipher Modesmodes: Implementations of block cipher modes of operation
 Password Hashespasshash: Implementations of password hashing algorithms
 Password Based Key Derivation Functionspbkdf: Implementations of Password Based Key Derivation Functions
 Public Key Paddingspk_pad: Implementations of public key padding schemes
 Providersprov: Adapters to external crypto providers
 PSK Databasepsk_db: Interface for a generic pre-shared key database
 Public Key Algorithmspubkey: Implementations of public key schemes
 Random Number Generatorsrng: Implementations of Random Number Generators
 Stream Ciphersstream: Implementations of stream cipher algorithms
 Transport Layer Securitytls: Common functionality for TLS
 Utilitiesutils: Various utility functions and types
 X.509x509: Handles X.509 certificates and their validation
 eXtendable Output Functionxof: Implementations of XOFs