Botan 3.7.1
Crypto and TLS for C&
: Odds and ends: Algorithms and protocols that don't fit any of the other modules
Topics | |
Crypto Box | |
cryptobox : High-Level API for password-based encryption | |
FPE FE1 | |
fpe_fe1 : Format Preserving Encryption (FE1 scheme) | |
hotp : HMAC/Time based One Time Password implementations | |
NIST KeyWrap | |
nist_keywrap : Key Wrapping as described in NIST SP800-38F | |
RFC 3394 KeyWrap | |
rfc3394 : Key Wrapping as described in RFC 3394 | |
Roughtime | |
roughtime : Authenticated Time Synchronzation Protocol | |
SRP-6a | |
srp6 : Secure Remote Password protocol - RFC 5054 compatible | |
Threshold Secret Sharing | |
tss : Implementation based on draft-mcgrew-tss-03 | |
ZFEC | |
zfec : Forward error correction based on Vandermonde matrices | |
: Odds and ends: Algorithms and protocols that don't fit any of the other modules
. Please feel free to enable/disable the sub-modules listed.