Botan 3.7.1
Crypto and TLS for C&
Transport Layer Security

tls: Common functionality for TLS More...


 TLS ASIO Stream
 asio: Boost ASIO stream interface as a wrapper around the TLS implementation
 SQL Session Manager
 sessions_sql: TLS Session Manager based on an SQL database
 SQLite Session Manager
 sessions_sqlite3: TLS Session Manager based on an SQLite database
 TLS 1.2
 tls12: TLS 1.2 protocol implementation
 TLS 1.3
 tls13: TLS 1.3 protocol implementation
 TLS 1.3 (PQC)
 tls13_pqc: Hybrid Key Exchange for TLS 1.3 with Post-Quantum Algorithms


file  credentials_manager.cpp
file  credentials_manager.h
 Public Header.
file  msg_cert_req.cpp
file  msg_cert_verify.cpp
file  msg_client_hello.cpp
file  msg_finished.cpp
file  msg_server_hello.cpp
file  msg_session_ticket.cpp
file  tls.h
 Public Header.
file  tls_alert.cpp
file  tls_alert.h
 Public Header.
file  tls_algos.cpp
file  tls_algos.h
 Public Header.
file  tls_callbacks.cpp
file  tls_callbacks.h
 Public Header.
file  tls_channel.h
 Public Header.
file  tls_channel_impl.h
 Internal Header.
file  tls_ciphersuite.cpp
file  tls_ciphersuite.h
 Public Header.
file  tls_client.cpp
file  tls_client.h
 Public Header.
file  tls_exceptn.h
 Public Header.
file  tls_extensions.cpp
file  tls_extensions.h
 Public Header.
file  tls_extensions_cert_status_req.cpp
file  tls_external_psk.h
 Public Header.
file  tls_handshake_msg.h
 Public Header.
file  tls_handshake_transitions.cpp
file  tls_handshake_transitions.h
 Internal Header.
file  tls_magic.h
 Public Header.
file  tls_messages.h
 Public Header.
file  tls_policy.cpp
file  tls_policy.h
 Public Header.
file  tls_reader.h
 Internal Header.
file  tls_server.cpp
file  tls_server.h
 Public Header.
file  tls_server_info.h
 Public Header.
file  tls_session.cpp
file  tls_session.h
 Public Header.
file  tls_session_manager.cpp
file  tls_session_manager.h
 Public Header.
file  tls_session_manager_hybrid.cpp
file  tls_session_manager_hybrid.h
 Public Header.
file  tls_session_manager_memory.cpp
file  tls_session_manager_memory.h
 Public Header.
file  tls_session_manager_noop.cpp
file  tls_session_manager_noop.h
 Public Header.
file  tls_session_manager_stateless.cpp
file  tls_session_manager_stateless.h
 Public Header.
file  tls_signature_scheme.cpp
file  tls_signature_scheme.h
 Public Header.
file  tls_suite_info.cpp
file  tls_text_policy.cpp
file  tls_version.cpp
file  tls_version.h
 Public Header.

Detailed Description

tls: Common functionality for TLS

This module is not part of the library's public interface. Library users may not enable or disable it directly, neither via a build policy nor --enable-modules. Instead it will be automatically added as a dependency of other modules as needed.

This module depends on:

This module requires special operating system features: