Botan 3.7.1
Crypto and TLS for C&
Go to the documentation of this file.
2* Public Key Interface
3* (C) 1999-2010 Jack Lloyd
5* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
8#ifndef BOTAN_PUBKEY_H_
9#define BOTAN_PUBKEY_H_
11#include <botan/asn1_obj.h>
12#include <botan/pk_keys.h>
13#include <botan/pk_ops_fwd.h>
14#include <botan/symkey.h>
15#include <span>
16#include <string>
17#include <string_view>
18#include <utility>
20namespace Botan {
22class RandomNumberGenerator;
25* Public Key Encryptor
26* This is the primary interface for public key encryption
29 public:
30 /**
31 * Encrypt a message.
32 * @param in the message as a byte array
33 * @param length the length of the above byte array
34 * @param rng the random number source to use
35 * @return encrypted message
36 */
37 std::vector<uint8_t> encrypt(const uint8_t in[], size_t length, RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const {
38 return enc(in, length, rng);
39 }
41 /**
42 * Encrypt a message.
43 * @param in the message
44 * @param rng the random number source to use
45 * @return encrypted message
46 */
47 std::vector<uint8_t> encrypt(std::span<const uint8_t> in, RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const {
48 return enc(, in.size(), rng);
49 }
51 /**
52 * Return the maximum allowed message size in bytes.
53 * @return maximum message size in bytes
54 */
55 virtual size_t maximum_input_size() const = 0;
57 /**
58 * Return an upper bound on the ciphertext length
59 */
60 virtual size_t ciphertext_length(size_t ctext_len) const = 0;
62 PK_Encryptor() = default;
63 virtual ~PK_Encryptor() = default;
65 PK_Encryptor(const PK_Encryptor&) = delete;
68 PK_Encryptor(PK_Encryptor&&) noexcept = default;
69 PK_Encryptor& operator=(PK_Encryptor&&) noexcept = default;
71 private:
72 virtual std::vector<uint8_t> enc(const uint8_t[], size_t, RandomNumberGenerator&) const = 0;
76* Public Key Decryptor
79 public:
80 /**
81 * Decrypt a ciphertext, throwing an exception if the input
82 * seems to be invalid (eg due to an accidental or malicious
83 * error in the ciphertext).
84 *
85 * @param in the ciphertext as a byte array
86 * @param length the length of the above byte array
87 * @return decrypted message
88 */
89 secure_vector<uint8_t> decrypt(const uint8_t in[], size_t length) const;
91 /**
92 * Same as above, but taking a vector
93 * @param in the ciphertext
94 * @return decrypted message
95 */
96 secure_vector<uint8_t> decrypt(std::span<const uint8_t> in) const { return decrypt(, in.size()); }
98 /**
99 * Decrypt a ciphertext. If the ciphertext is invalid (eg due to
100 * invalid padding) or is not the expected length, instead
101 * returns a random string of the expected length. Use to avoid
102 * oracle attacks, especially against PKCS #1 v1.5 decryption.
103 */
104 secure_vector<uint8_t> decrypt_or_random(const uint8_t in[],
105 size_t length,
106 size_t expected_pt_len,
107 RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const;
109 /**
110 * Decrypt a ciphertext. If the ciphertext is invalid (eg due to
111 * invalid padding) or is not the expected length, instead
112 * returns a random string of the expected length. Use to avoid
113 * oracle attacks, especially against PKCS #1 v1.5 decryption.
114 *
115 * Additionally checks (also in const time) that:
116 * contents[required_content_offsets[i]] == required_content_bytes[i]
117 * for 0 <= i < required_contents
118 *
119 * Used for example in TLS, which encodes the client version in
120 * the content bytes: if there is any timing variation the version
121 * check can be used as an oracle to recover the key.
122 */
123 secure_vector<uint8_t> decrypt_or_random(const uint8_t in[],
124 size_t length,
125 size_t expected_pt_len,
127 const uint8_t required_content_bytes[],
128 const uint8_t required_content_offsets[],
129 size_t required_contents) const;
131 /**
132 * Return an upper bound on the plaintext length for a particular
133 * ciphertext input length
134 */
135 virtual size_t plaintext_length(size_t ctext_len) const = 0;
137 PK_Decryptor() = default;
138 virtual ~PK_Decryptor() = default;
140 PK_Decryptor(const PK_Decryptor&) = delete;
143 PK_Decryptor(PK_Decryptor&&) noexcept = default;
144 PK_Decryptor& operator=(PK_Decryptor&&) noexcept = default;
146 private:
147 virtual secure_vector<uint8_t> do_decrypt(uint8_t& valid_mask, const uint8_t in[], size_t in_len) const = 0;
151* Public Key Signer. Use the sign_message() functions for small
152* messages. Use multiple calls update() to process large messages and
153* generate the signature by finally calling signature().
156 public:
157 /**
158 * Construct a PK Signer.
159 * @param key the key to use inside this signer
160 * @param rng the random generator to use
161 * @param padding the padding/hash to use, eg "SHA-512" or "PSS(SHA-256)"
162 * @param format the signature format to use
163 * @param provider the provider to use
164 */
165 PK_Signer(const Private_Key& key,
167 std::string_view padding,
168 Signature_Format format = Signature_Format::Standard,
169 std::string_view provider = "");
173 PK_Signer(const PK_Signer&) = delete;
174 PK_Signer& operator=(const PK_Signer&) = delete;
176 PK_Signer(PK_Signer&&) noexcept;
177 PK_Signer& operator=(PK_Signer&&) noexcept;
179 /**
180 * Sign a message all in one go
181 * @param in the message to sign as a byte array
182 * @param length the length of the above byte array
183 * @param rng the rng to use
184 * @return signature
185 */
186 std::vector<uint8_t> sign_message(const uint8_t in[], size_t length, RandomNumberGenerator& rng) {
187 this->update(in, length);
188 return this->signature(rng);
189 }
191 /**
192 * Sign a message.
193 * @param in the message to sign
194 * @param rng the rng to use
195 * @return signature
196 */
197 std::vector<uint8_t> sign_message(std::span<const uint8_t> in, RandomNumberGenerator& rng) {
198 return sign_message(, in.size(), rng);
199 }
201 /**
202 * Add a message part (single byte).
203 * @param in the byte to add
204 */
205 void update(uint8_t in) { update(&in, 1); }
207 /**
208 * Add a message part.
209 * @param in the message part to add as a byte array
210 * @param length the length of the above byte array
211 */
212 void update(const uint8_t in[], size_t length);
214 /**
215 * Add a message part.
216 * @param in the message part to add
217 */
218 void update(std::span<const uint8_t> in) { update(, in.size()); }
220 /**
221 * Add a message part.
222 * @param in the message part to add
223 */
224 void update(std::string_view in);
226 /**
227 * Get the signature of the so far processed message (provided by the
228 * calls to update()).
229 * @param rng the rng to use
230 * @return signature of the total message
231 */
232 std::vector<uint8_t> signature(RandomNumberGenerator& rng);
234 /**
235 * Set the output format of the signature.
236 * @param format the signature format to use
237 */
238 void set_output_format(Signature_Format format) { m_sig_format = format; }
240 /**
241 * Return an upper bound on the length of the signatures this
242 * PK_Signer will produce
243 */
244 size_t signature_length() const;
246 /**
247 * Return an AlgorithmIdentifier appropriate for identifying the signature
248 * method being generated by this PK_Signer. Throws an exception if this
249 * is not available for the current signature scheme.
250 */
251 AlgorithmIdentifier algorithm_identifier() const;
253 /**
254 * Return the hash function which is being used to create signatures.
255 * This should never return an empty string however it may return a string
256 * which does not map directly to a hash function, in particular if "Raw"
257 * (unhashed) encoding is being used.
258 */
259 std::string hash_function() const;
261 private:
262 std::unique_ptr<PK_Ops::Signature> m_op;
263 Signature_Format m_sig_format;
264 std::optional<size_t> m_sig_element_size;
268* Public Key Verifier. Use the verify_message() functions for small
269* messages. Use multiple calls update() to process large messages and
270* verify the signature by finally calling check_signature().
273 public:
274 /**
275 * Construct a PK Verifier.
276 * @param pub_key the public key to verify against
277 * @param padding the padding/hash to use (eg "SHA-512" or "PSS(SHA-256)")
278 * @param format the signature format to use
279 * @param provider the provider to use
280 */
281 PK_Verifier(const Public_Key& pub_key,
282 std::string_view padding,
283 Signature_Format format = Signature_Format::Standard,
284 std::string_view provider = "");
286 /**
287 * Construct a PK Verifier (X.509 specific)
288 *
289 * This constructor will attempt to decode signature_format relative
290 * to the public key provided. If they seem to be inconsistent or
291 * otherwise unsupported, a Decoding_Error is thrown.
292 *
293 * @param pub_key the public key to verify against
294 * @param signature_algorithm the supposed signature algorithm
295 * @param provider the provider to use
296 */
297 PK_Verifier(const Public_Key& pub_key,
298 const AlgorithmIdentifier& signature_algorithm,
299 std::string_view provider = "");
303 PK_Verifier(const PK_Verifier&) = delete;
307 PK_Verifier& operator=(PK_Verifier&&) noexcept;
309 /**
310 * Verify a signature.
311 * @param msg the message that the signature belongs to, as a byte array
312 * @param msg_length the length of the above byte array msg
313 * @param sig the signature as a byte array
314 * @param sig_length the length of the above byte array sig
315 * @return true if the signature is valid
316 */
317 bool verify_message(const uint8_t msg[], size_t msg_length, const uint8_t sig[], size_t sig_length);
319 /**
320 * Verify a signature.
321 * @param msg the message that the signature belongs to
322 * @param sig the signature
323 * @return true if the signature is valid
324 */
325 bool verify_message(std::span<const uint8_t> msg, std::span<const uint8_t> sig) {
326 return verify_message(, msg.size(),, sig.size());
327 }
329 /**
330 * Add a message part (single byte) of the message corresponding to the
331 * signature to be verified.
332 * @param in the byte to add
333 */
334 void update(uint8_t in) { update(&in, 1); }
336 /**
337 * Add a message part of the message corresponding to the
338 * signature to be verified.
339 * @param msg_part the new message part as a byte array
340 * @param length the length of the above byte array
341 */
342 void update(const uint8_t msg_part[], size_t length);
344 /**
345 * Add a message part of the message corresponding to the
346 * signature to be verified.
347 * @param in the new message part
348 */
349 void update(std::span<const uint8_t> in) { update(, in.size()); }
351 /**
352 * Add a message part of the message corresponding to the
353 * signature to be verified.
354 */
355 void update(std::string_view in);
357 /**
358 * Check the signature of the buffered message, i.e. the one build
359 * by successive calls to update.
360 * @param sig the signature to be verified as a byte array
361 * @param length the length of the above byte array
362 * @return true if the signature is valid, false otherwise
363 */
364 bool check_signature(const uint8_t sig[], size_t length);
366 /**
367 * Check the signature of the buffered message, i.e. the one build
368 * by successive calls to update.
369 * @param sig the signature to be verified
370 * @return true if the signature is valid, false otherwise
371 */
372 bool check_signature(std::span<const uint8_t> sig) { return check_signature(, sig.size()); }
374 /**
375 * Set the format of the signatures fed to this verifier.
376 * @param format the signature format to use
377 */
378 BOTAN_DEPRECATED("Provide Signature_Format to the constructor") void set_input_format(Signature_Format format);
380 /**
381 * Return the hash function which is being used to verify signatures.
382 * This should never return an empty string however it may return a string
383 * which does not map directly to a hash function, in particular if "Raw"
384 * (unhashed) encoding is being used.
385 */
386 std::string hash_function() const;
388 private:
389 std::unique_ptr<PK_Ops::Verification> m_op;
390 Signature_Format m_sig_format;
391 std::optional<size_t> m_sig_element_size;
395* Object used for key agreement
398 public:
399 /**
400 * Construct a PK Key Agreement.
401 * @param key the key to use
402 * @param rng the random generator to use
403 * @param kdf name of the KDF to use (or 'Raw' for no KDF)
404 * @param provider the algo provider to use (or empty for default)
405 */
406 PK_Key_Agreement(const Private_Key& key,
408 std::string_view kdf,
409 std::string_view provider = "");
417 PK_Key_Agreement& operator=(PK_Key_Agreement&&) noexcept;
419 /**
420 * Perform Key Agreement Operation
421 * @param key_len the desired key output size (ignored if "Raw" KDF is used)
422 * @param peer_key the other parties key
423 * @param peer_key_len the length of peer_key in bytes
424 * @param salt extra derivation salt
425 * @param salt_len the length of salt in bytes
426 */
427 SymmetricKey derive_key(
428 size_t key_len, const uint8_t peer_key[], size_t peer_key_len, const uint8_t salt[], size_t salt_len) const;
430 /**
431 * Perform Key Agreement Operation
432 * @param key_len the desired key output size (ignored if "Raw" KDF is used)
433 * @param peer_key the other parties key
434 * @param salt extra derivation salt
435 * @param salt_len the length of salt in bytes
436 */
437 SymmetricKey derive_key(size_t key_len,
438 std::span<const uint8_t> peer_key,
439 const uint8_t salt[],
440 size_t salt_len) const {
441 return derive_key(key_len,, peer_key.size(), salt, salt_len);
442 }
444 /**
445 * Perform Key Agreement Operation
446 * @param key_len the desired key output size (ignored if "Raw" KDF is used)
447 * @param peer_key the other parties key
448 * @param peer_key_len the length of peer_key in bytes
449 * @param salt extra derivation info
450 */
451 SymmetricKey derive_key(size_t key_len,
452 const uint8_t peer_key[],
453 size_t peer_key_len,
454 std::string_view salt = "") const;
456 /**
457 * Perform Key Agreement Operation
458 * @param key_len the desired key output size (ignored if "Raw" KDF is used)
459 * @param peer_key the other parties key
460 * @param salt extra derivation info
461 */
462 SymmetricKey derive_key(size_t key_len, std::span<const uint8_t> peer_key, std::string_view salt = "") const;
464 /**
465 * Return the underlying size of the value that is agreed.
466 * If derive_key is called with a length of 0 with a "Raw"
467 * KDF, it will return a value of this size.
468 */
469 size_t agreed_value_size() const;
471 private:
472 std::unique_ptr<PK_Ops::Key_Agreement> m_op;
476* Encryption using a standard message recovery algorithm like RSA or
477* ElGamal, paired with an encoding scheme like OAEP.
480 public:
481 size_t maximum_input_size() const override;
483 /**
484 * Construct an instance.
485 * @param key the key to use inside the encryptor
486 * @param rng the RNG to use
487 * @param padding the message encoding scheme to use (eg "OAEP(SHA-256)")
488 * @param provider the provider to use
489 */
490 PK_Encryptor_EME(const Public_Key& key,
492 std::string_view padding,
493 std::string_view provider = "");
501 PK_Encryptor_EME& operator=(PK_Encryptor_EME&&) noexcept;
503 /**
504 * Return an upper bound on the ciphertext length for a particular
505 * plaintext input length
506 */
507 size_t ciphertext_length(size_t ptext_len) const override;
509 private:
510 std::vector<uint8_t> enc(const uint8_t[], size_t, RandomNumberGenerator& rng) const override;
512 std::unique_ptr<PK_Ops::Encryption> m_op;
516* Decryption with an MR algorithm and an EME.
519 public:
520 /**
521 * Construct an instance.
522 * @param key the key to use inside the decryptor
523 * @param rng the random generator to use
524 * @param eme the EME to use
525 * @param provider the provider to use
526 */
527 PK_Decryptor_EME(const Private_Key& key,
529 std::string_view eme,
530 std::string_view provider = "");
532 size_t plaintext_length(size_t ptext_len) const override;
540 PK_Decryptor_EME& operator=(PK_Decryptor_EME&&) noexcept;
542 private:
543 secure_vector<uint8_t> do_decrypt(uint8_t& valid_mask, const uint8_t in[], size_t in_len) const override;
545 std::unique_ptr<PK_Ops::Decryption> m_op;
549* Result of a key encapsulation operation.
552 public:
553 KEM_Encapsulation(std::vector<uint8_t> encapsulated_shared_key, secure_vector<uint8_t> shared_key) :
554 m_encapsulated_shared_key(std::move(encapsulated_shared_key)), m_shared_key(std::move(shared_key)) {}
556 /**
557 * @returns the encapsulated shared secret (encrypted with the public key)
558 */
559 const std::vector<uint8_t>& encapsulated_shared_key() const { return m_encapsulated_shared_key; }
561 /**
562 * @returns the plaintext shared secret
563 */
564 const secure_vector<uint8_t>& shared_key() const { return m_shared_key; }
566 /**
567 * @returns the pair (encapsulated key, key) extracted from @p kem
568 */
569 static std::pair<std::vector<uint8_t>, secure_vector<uint8_t>> destructure(KEM_Encapsulation&& kem) {
570 return std::make_pair(std::exchange(kem.m_encapsulated_shared_key, {}), std::exchange(kem.m_shared_key, {}));
571 }
573 private:
574 friend class PK_KEM_Encryptor;
576 KEM_Encapsulation(size_t encapsulated_size, size_t shared_key_size) :
577 m_encapsulated_shared_key(encapsulated_size), m_shared_key(shared_key_size) {}
579 private:
580 std::vector<uint8_t> m_encapsulated_shared_key;
581 secure_vector<uint8_t> m_shared_key;
585* Public Key Key Encapsulation Mechanism Encryption.
588 public:
589 /**
590 * Construct an instance.
591 * @param key the key to encrypt to
592 * @param kem_param additional KEM parameters
593 * @param provider the provider to use
594 */
595 PK_KEM_Encryptor(const Public_Key& key, std::string_view kem_param = "", std::string_view provider = "");
597 /**
598 * Construct an instance.
599 * @param key the key to encrypt to
600 * @param rng the RNG to use
601 * @param kem_param additional KEM parameters
602 * @param provider the provider to use
603 */
604 BOTAN_DEPRECATED("Use constructor that does not take RNG")
605 PK_KEM_Encryptor(const Public_Key& key,
607 std::string_view kem_param = "",
608 std::string_view provider = "");
616 PK_KEM_Encryptor& operator=(PK_KEM_Encryptor&&) noexcept;
618 /**
619 * Return the length of the shared key returned by this KEM
620 *
621 * If this KEM was used with a KDF, then it will always return
622 * exactly the desired key length, because the output of the KEM
623 * will be hashed by the KDF.
624 *
625 * However if the KEM was used with "Raw" kdf, to request the
626 * algorithmic output of the KEM directly, then the desired key
627 * length will be ignored and a bytestring that depends on the
628 * algorithm is returned
629 *
630 * @param desired_shared_key_len is the requested length
631 */
632 size_t shared_key_length(size_t desired_shared_key_len) const;
634 /**
635 * Return the length in bytes of encapsulated keys returned by this KEM
636 */
637 size_t encapsulated_key_length() const;
639 /**
640 * Generate a shared key for data encryption.
641 *
642 * @param rng the RNG to use
643 * @param desired_shared_key_len desired size of the shared key in bytes for the KDF
644 * (ignored if no KDF is used)
645 * @param salt a salt value used in the KDF
646 * (ignored if no KDF is used)
647 *
648 * @returns a struct with both the shared secret and its encapsulation
649 */
651 size_t desired_shared_key_len = 32,
652 std::span<const uint8_t> salt = {}) {
653 std::vector<uint8_t> encapsulated_shared_key(encapsulated_key_length());
654 secure_vector<uint8_t> shared_key(shared_key_length(desired_shared_key_len));
656 encrypt(std::span{encapsulated_shared_key}, std::span{shared_key}, rng, desired_shared_key_len, salt);
657 return KEM_Encapsulation(std::move(encapsulated_shared_key), std::move(shared_key));
658 }
660 /**
661 * Generate a shared key for data encryption.
662 * @param out_encapsulated_key the generated encapsulated key
663 * @param out_shared_key the generated shared key
664 * @param rng the RNG to use
665 * @param desired_shared_key_len desired size of the shared key in bytes
666 * (ignored if no KDF is used)
667 * @param salt a salt value used in the KDF
668 * (ignored if no KDF is used)
669 */
670 void encrypt(secure_vector<uint8_t>& out_encapsulated_key,
671 secure_vector<uint8_t>& out_shared_key,
673 size_t desired_shared_key_len = 32,
674 std::span<const uint8_t> salt = {}) {
675 out_encapsulated_key.resize(encapsulated_key_length());
676 out_shared_key.resize(shared_key_length(desired_shared_key_len));
677 encrypt(std::span{out_encapsulated_key}, std::span{out_shared_key}, rng, desired_shared_key_len, salt);
678 }
680 /**
681 * Generate a shared key for data encryption.
682 * @param out_encapsulated_key the generated encapsulated key
683 * @param out_shared_key the generated shared key
684 * @param rng the RNG to use
685 * @param desired_shared_key_len desired size of the shared key in bytes
686 * (ignored if no KDF is used)
687 * @param salt a salt value used in the KDF
688 * (ignored if no KDF is used)
689 */
690 void encrypt(std::span<uint8_t> out_encapsulated_key,
691 std::span<uint8_t> out_shared_key,
692 RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
693 size_t desired_shared_key_len = 32,
694 std::span<const uint8_t> salt = {});
696 BOTAN_DEPRECATED("use overload with salt as std::span<>")
697 void encrypt(secure_vector<uint8_t>& out_encapsulated_key,
698 secure_vector<uint8_t>& out_shared_key,
699 size_t desired_shared_key_len,
701 const uint8_t salt[],
702 size_t salt_len) {
703 this->encrypt(out_encapsulated_key, out_shared_key, rng, desired_shared_key_len, {salt, salt_len});
704 }
706 BOTAN_DEPRECATED("use overload where rng comes after the out-paramters")
707 void encrypt(secure_vector<uint8_t>& out_encapsulated_key,
708 secure_vector<uint8_t>& out_shared_key,
709 size_t desired_shared_key_len,
711 std::span<const uint8_t> salt = {}) {
712 out_encapsulated_key.resize(encapsulated_key_length());
713 out_shared_key.resize(shared_key_length(desired_shared_key_len));
714 encrypt(out_encapsulated_key, out_shared_key, rng, desired_shared_key_len, salt);
715 }
717 private:
718 std::unique_ptr<PK_Ops::KEM_Encryption> m_op;
722* Public Key Key Encapsulation Mechanism Decryption.
725 public:
726 /**
727 * Construct an instance.
728 * @param key the key to use inside the decryptor
729 * @param rng the RNG to use
730 * @param kem_param additional KEM parameters
731 * @param provider the provider to use
732 */
733 PK_KEM_Decryptor(const Private_Key& key,
735 std::string_view kem_param = "",
736 std::string_view provider = "");
743 PK_KEM_Decryptor& operator=(PK_KEM_Decryptor&&) noexcept;
745 /**
746 * Return the length of the shared key returned by this KEM
747 *
748 * If this KEM was used with a KDF, then it will always return
749 * exactly the desired key length, because the output of the KEM
750 * will be hashed by the KDF.
751 *
752 * However if the KEM was used with "Raw" kdf, to request the
753 * algorithmic output of the KEM directly, then the desired key
754 * length will be ignored and a bytestring that depends on the
755 * algorithm is returned
756 *
757 * @param desired_shared_key_len is the requested length.
758 */
759 size_t shared_key_length(size_t desired_shared_key_len) const;
761 /**
762 * Return the length of the encapsulated key expected by this KEM
763 */
764 size_t encapsulated_key_length() const;
766 /**
767 * Decrypts the shared key for data encryption.
768 *
769 * @param out_shared_key the generated shared key
770 * @param encap_key the encapsulated key
771 * @param desired_shared_key_len desired size of the shared key in bytes
772 * (ignored if no KDF is used)
773 * @param salt a salt value used in the KDF
774 * (ignored if no KDF is used)
775 */
776 void decrypt(std::span<uint8_t> out_shared_key,
777 std::span<const uint8_t> encap_key,
778 size_t desired_shared_key_len = 32,
779 std::span<const uint8_t> salt = {});
781 /**
782 * Decrypts the shared key for data encryption.
783 *
784 * @param encap_key the encapsulated key
785 * @param encap_key_len size of the encapsulated key in bytes
786 * @param desired_shared_key_len desired size of the shared key in bytes
787 * (ignored if no KDF is used)
788 * @param salt a salt value used in the KDF
789 * (ignored if no KDF is used)
790 * @param salt_len size of the salt value in bytes
791 * (ignored if no KDF is used)
792 *
793 * @return the shared data encryption key
794 */
795 secure_vector<uint8_t> decrypt(const uint8_t encap_key[],
796 size_t encap_key_len,
797 size_t desired_shared_key_len,
798 const uint8_t salt[] = nullptr,
799 size_t salt_len = 0) {
800 secure_vector<uint8_t> shared_key(shared_key_length(desired_shared_key_len));
801 decrypt(shared_key, {encap_key, encap_key_len}, desired_shared_key_len, {salt, salt_len});
802 return shared_key;
803 }
805 /**
806 * Decrypts the shared key for data encryption.
807 *
808 * @param encap_key the encapsulated key
809 * @param desired_shared_key_len desired size of the shared key in bytes
810 * (ignored if no KDF is used)
811 * @param salt a salt value used in the KDF
812 * (ignored if no KDF is used)
813 *
814 * @return the shared data encryption key
815 */
816 secure_vector<uint8_t> decrypt(std::span<const uint8_t> encap_key,
817 size_t desired_shared_key_len = 32,
818 std::span<const uint8_t> salt = {}) {
819 secure_vector<uint8_t> shared_key(shared_key_length(desired_shared_key_len));
820 decrypt(shared_key, encap_key, desired_shared_key_len, salt);
821 return shared_key;
822 }
824 private:
825 std::unique_ptr<PK_Ops::KEM_Decryption> m_op;
828} // namespace Botan
#define BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(maj, min)
Definition api.h:19
Definition api.h:59
KEM_Encapsulation(std::vector< uint8_t > encapsulated_shared_key, secure_vector< uint8_t > shared_key)
Definition pubkey.h:553
const secure_vector< uint8_t > & shared_key() const
Definition pubkey.h:564
static std::pair< std::vector< uint8_t >, secure_vector< uint8_t > > destructure(KEM_Encapsulation &&kem)
Definition pubkey.h:569
const std::vector< uint8_t > & encapsulated_shared_key() const
Definition pubkey.h:559
~PK_Decryptor_EME() override
PK_Decryptor_EME(PK_Decryptor_EME &&) noexcept
PK_Decryptor_EME(const PK_Decryptor_EME &)=delete
PK_Decryptor_EME & operator=(const PK_Decryptor_EME &)=delete
virtual ~PK_Decryptor()=default
virtual size_t plaintext_length(size_t ctext_len) const =0
secure_vector< uint8_t > decrypt(std::span< const uint8_t > in) const
Definition pubkey.h:96
PK_Decryptor & operator=(const PK_Decryptor &)=delete
PK_Decryptor(PK_Decryptor &&) noexcept=default
PK_Decryptor(const PK_Decryptor &)=delete
~PK_Encryptor_EME() override
PK_Encryptor_EME & operator=(const PK_Encryptor_EME &)=delete
PK_Encryptor_EME(PK_Encryptor_EME &&) noexcept
PK_Encryptor_EME(const PK_Encryptor_EME &)=delete
PK_Encryptor & operator=(const PK_Encryptor &)=delete
virtual size_t maximum_input_size() const =0
virtual size_t ciphertext_length(size_t ctext_len) const =0
std::vector< uint8_t > encrypt(std::span< const uint8_t > in, RandomNumberGenerator &rng) const
Definition pubkey.h:47
virtual ~PK_Encryptor()=default
std::vector< uint8_t > encrypt(const uint8_t in[], size_t length, RandomNumberGenerator &rng) const
Definition pubkey.h:37
PK_Encryptor(const PK_Encryptor &)=delete
PK_Encryptor(PK_Encryptor &&) noexcept=default
secure_vector< uint8_t > decrypt(const uint8_t encap_key[], size_t encap_key_len, size_t desired_shared_key_len, const uint8_t salt[]=nullptr, size_t salt_len=0)
Definition pubkey.h:795
PK_KEM_Decryptor(PK_KEM_Decryptor &&) noexcept
PK_KEM_Decryptor & operator=(const PK_KEM_Decryptor &)=delete
PK_KEM_Decryptor(const PK_KEM_Decryptor &)=delete
secure_vector< uint8_t > decrypt(std::span< const uint8_t > encap_key, size_t desired_shared_key_len=32, std::span< const uint8_t > salt={})
Definition pubkey.h:816
void encrypt(secure_vector< uint8_t > &out_encapsulated_key, secure_vector< uint8_t > &out_shared_key, RandomNumberGenerator &rng, size_t desired_shared_key_len=32, std::span< const uint8_t > salt={})
Definition pubkey.h:670
PK_KEM_Encryptor(PK_KEM_Encryptor &&) noexcept
PK_KEM_Encryptor(const PK_KEM_Encryptor &)=delete
PK_KEM_Encryptor & operator=(const PK_KEM_Encryptor &)=delete
PK_Key_Agreement & operator=(const PK_Key_Agreement &)=delete
PK_Key_Agreement(const PK_Key_Agreement &)=delete
PK_Key_Agreement(PK_Key_Agreement &&) noexcept
PK_Signer(PK_Signer &&) noexcept
void update(uint8_t in)
Definition pubkey.h:205
std::vector< uint8_t > sign_message(std::span< const uint8_t > in, RandomNumberGenerator &rng)
Definition pubkey.h:197
void update(std::span< const uint8_t > in)
Definition pubkey.h:218
PK_Signer & operator=(const PK_Signer &)=delete
void set_output_format(Signature_Format format)
Definition pubkey.h:238
PK_Signer(const PK_Signer &)=delete
PK_Verifier(PK_Verifier &&) noexcept
void update(uint8_t in)
Definition pubkey.h:334
void update(std::span< const uint8_t > in)
Definition pubkey.h:349
PK_Verifier(const PK_Verifier &)=delete
bool check_signature(std::span< const uint8_t > sig)
Definition pubkey.h:372
PK_Verifier & operator=(const PK_Verifier &)=delete
int(* update)(CTX *, const void *, CC_LONG len)
int(* final)(unsigned char *, CTX *)
std::string encrypt(const uint8_t input[], size_t input_len, std::string_view passphrase, RandomNumberGenerator &rng)
Definition cryptobox.cpp:42
std::vector< T, secure_allocator< T > > secure_vector
Definition secmem.h:61
Definition pk_keys.h:31
std::array< uint8_t, 2 *ED448_LEN > sign_message(std::span< const uint8_t, ED448_LEN > sk, std::span< const uint8_t, ED448_LEN > pk, bool pgflag, std::span< const uint8_t > context, std::span< const uint8_t > msg)
Sign a message using a keypair (RFC 8032 5.2.6)