Botan 3.5.0
Crypto and TLS for C&
Go to the documentation of this file.
2* Random Number Generator base classes
3* (C) 1999-2009,2015,2016 Jack Lloyd
4* 2023 René Meusel - Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity
6* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
12#include <botan/concepts.h>
13#include <botan/exceptn.h>
14#include <botan/mutex.h>
15#include <botan/secmem.h>
17#include <chrono>
18#include <concepts>
19#include <span>
20#include <string>
21#include <type_traits>
23namespace Botan {
25class Entropy_Sources;
28* An interface to a cryptographic random number generator
31 public:
32 virtual ~RandomNumberGenerator() = default;
36 /*
37 * Never copy a RNG, create a new one
38 */
42 /**
43 * Randomize a byte array.
44 *
45 * May block shortly if e.g. the RNG is not yet initialized
46 * or a retry because of insufficient entropy is needed.
47 *
48 * @param output the byte array to hold the random output.
49 * @throws PRNG_Unseeded if the RNG fails because it has not enough entropy
50 * @throws Exception if the RNG fails
51 */
52 void randomize(std::span<uint8_t> output) { this->fill_bytes_with_input(output, {}); }
54 void randomize(uint8_t output[], size_t length) { this->randomize(std::span(output, length)); }
56 /**
57 * Returns false if it is known that this RNG object is not able to accept
58 * externally provided inputs (via add_entropy, randomize_with_input, etc).
59 * In this case, any such provided inputs are ignored.
60 *
61 * If this function returns true, then inputs may or may not be accepted.
62 */
63 virtual bool accepts_input() const = 0;
65 /**
66 * Incorporate some additional data into the RNG state. For
67 * example adding nonces or timestamps from a peer's protocol
68 * message can help hedge against VM state rollback attacks.
69 * A few RNG types do not accept any externally provided input,
70 * in which case this function is a no-op.
71 *
72 * @param input a byte array containing the entropy to be added
73 * @throws Exception may throw if the RNG accepts input, but adding the entropy failed.
74 */
75 void add_entropy(std::span<const uint8_t> input) { this->fill_bytes_with_input({}, input); }
77 void add_entropy(const uint8_t input[], size_t length) { this->add_entropy(std::span(input, length)); }
79 /**
80 * Incorporate some additional data into the RNG state.
81 */
82 template <typename T>
83 requires std::is_standard_layout<T>::value && std::is_trivial<T>::value
84 void add_entropy_T(const T& t) {
85 this->add_entropy(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&t), sizeof(T));
86 }
88 /**
89 * Incorporate entropy into the RNG state then produce output.
90 * Some RNG types implement this using a single operation, default
91 * calls add_entropy + randomize in sequence.
92 *
93 * Use this to further bind the outputs to your current
94 * process/protocol state. For instance if generating a new key
95 * for use in a session, include a session ID or other such
96 * value. See NIST SP 800-90 A, B, C series for more ideas.
97 *
98 * @param output buffer to hold the random output
99 * @param input entropy buffer to incorporate
100 * @throws PRNG_Unseeded if the RNG fails because it has not enough entropy
101 * @throws Exception if the RNG fails
102 * @throws Exception may throw if the RNG accepts input, but adding the entropy failed.
103 */
104 void randomize_with_input(std::span<uint8_t> output, std::span<const uint8_t> input) {
105 this->fill_bytes_with_input(output, input);
106 }
108 void randomize_with_input(uint8_t output[], size_t output_len, const uint8_t input[], size_t input_len) {
109 this->randomize_with_input(std::span(output, output_len), std::span(input, input_len));
110 }
112 /**
113 * This calls `randomize_with_input` using some timestamps as extra input.
114 *
115 * For a stateful RNG using non-random but potentially unique data the
116 * extra input can help protect against problems with fork, VM state
117 * rollback, or other cases where somehow an RNG state is duplicated. If
118 * both of the duplicated RNG states later incorporate a timestamp (and the
119 * timestamps don't themselves repeat), their outputs will diverge.
120 *
121 * @param output buffer to hold the random output
122 * @throws PRNG_Unseeded if the RNG fails because it has not enough entropy
123 * @throws Exception if the RNG fails
124 * @throws Exception may throw if the RNG accepts input, but adding the entropy failed.
125 */
126 void randomize_with_ts_input(std::span<uint8_t> output);
128 void randomize_with_ts_input(uint8_t output[], size_t output_len) {
129 this->randomize_with_ts_input(std::span(output, output_len));
130 }
132 /**
133 * @return the name of this RNG type
134 */
135 virtual std::string name() const = 0;
137 /**
138 * Clear all internally held values of this RNG
139 * @post is_seeded() == false if the RNG has an internal state that can be cleared.
140 */
141 virtual void clear() = 0;
143 /**
144 * Check whether this RNG is seeded.
145 * @return true if this RNG was already seeded, false otherwise.
146 */
147 virtual bool is_seeded() const = 0;
149 /**
150 * Poll provided sources for up to poll_bits bits of entropy
151 * or until the timeout expires. Returns estimate of the number
152 * of bits collected.
153 *
154 * Sets the seeded state to true if enough entropy was added.
155 */
156 virtual size_t reseed(Entropy_Sources& srcs,
157 size_t poll_bits = BOTAN_RNG_RESEED_POLL_BITS,
158 std::chrono::milliseconds poll_timeout = BOTAN_RNG_RESEED_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
160 /**
161 * Reseed by reading specified bits from the RNG
162 *
163 * Sets the seeded state to true if enough entropy was added.
164 *
165 * @throws Exception if RNG accepts input but reseeding failed.
166 */
167 virtual void reseed_from_rng(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, size_t poll_bits = BOTAN_RNG_RESEED_POLL_BITS);
169 // Some utility functions built on the interface above:
171 /**
172 * Fill a given byte container with @p bytes random bytes
173 *
174 * @todo deprecate this overload (in favor of randomize())
175 *
176 * @param v the container to be filled with @p bytes random bytes
177 * @throws Exception if RNG fails
178 */
179 void random_vec(std::span<uint8_t> v) { this->randomize(v); }
181 /**
182 * Resize a given byte container to @p bytes and fill it with random bytes
183 *
184 * @tparam T the desired byte container type (e.g std::vector<uint8_t>)
185 * @param v the container to be filled with @p bytes random bytes
186 * @param bytes number of random bytes to initialize the container with
187 * @throws Exception if RNG or memory allocation fails
188 */
189 template <concepts::resizable_byte_buffer T>
190 void random_vec(T& v, size_t bytes) {
191 v.resize(bytes);
192 random_vec(v);
193 }
195 /**
196 * Create some byte container type and fill it with some random @p bytes.
197 *
198 * @tparam T the desired byte container type (e.g std::vector<uint8_t>)
199 * @param bytes number of random bytes to initialize the container with
200 * @return a container of type T with @p bytes random bytes
201 * @throws Exception if RNG or memory allocation fails
202 */
203 template <concepts::resizable_byte_buffer T = secure_vector<uint8_t>>
204 requires std::default_initializable<T>
205 T random_vec(size_t bytes) {
206 T result;
207 random_vec(result, bytes);
208 return result;
209 }
211 /**
212 * Create a std::array of @p bytes random bytes
213 */
214 template <size_t bytes>
215 std::array<uint8_t, bytes> random_array() {
216 std::array<uint8_t, bytes> result;
217 random_vec(result);
218 return result;
219 }
221 /**
222 * Return a random byte
223 * @return random byte
224 * @throws PRNG_Unseeded if the RNG fails because it has not enough entropy
225 * @throws Exception if the RNG fails
226 */
227 uint8_t next_byte() {
228 uint8_t b;
229 this->fill_bytes_with_input(std::span(&b, 1), {});
230 return b;
231 }
233 /**
234 * @return a random byte that is greater than zero
235 * @throws PRNG_Unseeded if the RNG fails because it has not enough entropy
236 * @throws Exception if the RNG fails
237 */
239 uint8_t b = this->next_byte();
240 while(b == 0) {
241 b = this->next_byte();
242 }
243 return b;
244 }
246 protected:
247 /**
248 * Generic interface to provide entropy to a concrete implementation and to
249 * fill a given buffer with random output. Both @p output and @p input may
250 * be empty and should be ignored in that case. If both buffers are
251 * non-empty implementations should typically first apply the @p input data
252 * and then generate random data into @p output.
253 *
254 * This method must be implemented by all RandomNumberGenerator sub-classes.
255 *
256 * @param output Byte buffer to write random bytes into. Implementations
257 * should not read from this buffer.
258 * @param input Byte buffer that may contain bytes to be incorporated in
259 * the RNG's internal state. Implementations may choose to
260 * ignore the bytes in this buffer.
261 */
262 virtual void fill_bytes_with_input(std::span<uint8_t> output, std::span<const uint8_t> input) = 0;
266* Convenience typedef
271* Hardware_RNG exists to tag hardware RNG types (PKCS11_RNG, TPM_RNG, Processor_RNG)
274 public:
275 void clear() final { /* no way to clear state of hardware RNG */
276 }
280* Null/stub RNG - fails if you try to use it for anything
281* This is not generally useful except for in certain tests
284 public:
285 bool is_seeded() const override { return false; }
287 bool accepts_input() const override { return false; }
289 void clear() override {}
291 std::string name() const override { return "Null_RNG"; }
293 private:
294 void fill_bytes_with_input(std::span<uint8_t> output, std::span<const uint8_t> /* ignored */) override;
297} // namespace Botan
void clear() final
Definition rng.h:275
bool accepts_input() const override
Definition rng.h:287
void clear() override
Definition rng.h:289
std::string name() const override
Definition rng.h:291
bool is_seeded() const override
Definition rng.h:285
void randomize(std::span< uint8_t > output)
Definition rng.h:52
std::array< uint8_t, bytes > random_array()
Definition rng.h:215
virtual bool accepts_input() const =0
T random_vec(size_t bytes)
Definition rng.h:205
virtual ~RandomNumberGenerator()=default
void add_entropy(std::span< const uint8_t > input)
Definition rng.h:75
void randomize(uint8_t output[], size_t length)
Definition rng.h:54
uint8_t next_nonzero_byte()
Definition rng.h:238
void random_vec(T &v, size_t bytes)
Definition rng.h:190
RandomNumberGenerator & operator=(const RandomNumberGenerator &rng)=delete
virtual bool is_seeded() const =0
void randomize_with_ts_input(uint8_t output[], size_t output_len)
Definition rng.h:128
void add_entropy(const uint8_t input[], size_t length)
Definition rng.h:77
virtual std::string name() const =0
void add_entropy_T(const T &t)
Definition rng.h:84
void random_vec(std::span< uint8_t > v)
Definition rng.h:179
virtual void fill_bytes_with_input(std::span< uint8_t > output, std::span< const uint8_t > input)=0
void randomize_with_input(std::span< uint8_t > output, std::span< const uint8_t > input)
Definition rng.h:104
RandomNumberGenerator(const RandomNumberGenerator &rng)=delete
void randomize_with_input(uint8_t output[], size_t output_len, const uint8_t input[], size_t input_len)
Definition rng.h:108
int(* final)(unsigned char *, CTX *)
#define BOTAN_PUBLIC_API(maj, min)
Definition compiler.h:31
FE_25519 T
Definition ge.cpp:34
Definition build.h:451
Definition build.h:449
RandomNumberGenerator RNG
Definition rng.h:268