Botan 3.7.1
Crypto and TLS for C&
This is the complete list of members for Botan::BigInt, including all inherited members.
_assign_from_bytes(std::span< const uint8_t > bytes) | Botan::BigInt | inline |
_const_time_poison() const | Botan::BigInt | inline |
_const_time_unpoison() const | Botan::BigInt | inline |
_data() const | Botan::BigInt | inline |
abs() const | Botan::BigInt | |
add(const word y[], size_t y_words, Sign sign) | Botan::BigInt | |
add2(const BigInt &x, const word y[], size_t y_words, Sign y_sign) | Botan::BigInt | static |
Base enum name | Botan::BigInt | |
BigInt()=default | Botan::BigInt | |
BigInt(uint64_t n) | Botan::BigInt | |
BigInt(const BigInt &other)=default | Botan::BigInt | |
BigInt(std::string_view str) | Botan::BigInt | explicit |
BigInt(const uint8_t buf[], size_t length) | Botan::BigInt | inline |
BigInt(std::span< const uint8_t > bytes) | Botan::BigInt | inlineexplicit |
BigInt(const uint8_t buf[], size_t length, Base base) | Botan::BigInt | |
BigInt(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, size_t bits, bool set_high_bit=true) | Botan::BigInt | |
BigInt(BigInt &&other) | Botan::BigInt | inline |
Binary enum value | Botan::BigInt | |
binary_decode(const uint8_t buf[], size_t length) | Botan::BigInt | inline |
binary_decode(std::span< const uint8_t > buf) | Botan::BigInt | inline |
binary_encode(uint8_t buf[]) const | Botan::BigInt | inline |
binary_encode(uint8_t buf[], size_t len) const | Botan::BigInt | |
bits() const | Botan::BigInt | |
byte_at(size_t n) const | Botan::BigInt | |
bytes() const | Botan::BigInt | |
clear() | Botan::BigInt | inline |
clear_bit(size_t n) | Botan::BigInt | |
cmp(const BigInt &n, bool check_signs=true) const | Botan::BigInt | |
cmp_word(word n) const | Botan::BigInt | |
cond_flip_sign(bool predicate) | Botan::BigInt | |
conditionally_set_bit(size_t n, bool set_it) | Botan::BigInt | inline |
const_time_poison() const | Botan::BigInt | inline |
const_time_unpoison() const | Botan::BigInt | inline |
ct_cond_add(bool predicate, const BigInt &value) | Botan::BigInt | |
ct_cond_assign(bool predicate, const BigInt &other) | Botan::BigInt | |
ct_cond_swap(bool predicate, BigInt &other) | Botan::BigInt | |
ct_reduce_below(const BigInt &mod, secure_vector< word > &ws, size_t bound) | Botan::BigInt | |
ct_shift_left(size_t shift) | Botan::BigInt | |
data() const | Botan::BigInt | inline |
Decimal enum value | Botan::BigInt | |
decode(const uint8_t buf[], size_t length) | Botan::BigInt | inlinestatic |
decode(std::span< const uint8_t > buf) | Botan::BigInt | inlinestatic |
decode(const uint8_t buf[], size_t length, Base base) | Botan::BigInt | static |
decode(std::span< const uint8_t > buf, Base base) | Botan::BigInt | static |
encode(const BigInt &n) | Botan::BigInt | inlinestatic |
encode_1363(const BigInt &n, size_t bytes) | Botan::BigInt | inlinestatic |
encode_1363(std::span< uint8_t > out, const BigInt &n) | Botan::BigInt | inlinestatic |
encode_1363(uint8_t out[], size_t bytes, const BigInt &n) | Botan::BigInt | inlinestatic |
encode_fixed_length_int_pair(const BigInt &n1, const BigInt &n2, size_t bytes) | Botan::BigInt | static |
encode_locked(const BigInt &n) | Botan::BigInt | inlinestatic |
encode_words(word out[], size_t size) const | Botan::BigInt | |
flip_sign() | Botan::BigInt | inline |
from_bytes(std::span< const uint8_t > bytes) | Botan::BigInt | static |
from_bytes_with_max_bits(const uint8_t buf[], size_t length, size_t max_bits) | Botan::BigInt | static |
from_s32(int32_t n) | Botan::BigInt | static |
from_string(std::string_view str) | Botan::BigInt | static |
from_u64(uint64_t n) | Botan::BigInt | static |
from_word(word n) | Botan::BigInt | static |
get_bit(size_t n) const | Botan::BigInt | inline |
get_substring(size_t offset, size_t length) const | Botan::BigInt | |
get_word_vector() | Botan::BigInt | inline |
get_word_vector() const | Botan::BigInt | inline |
grow_to(size_t n) const | Botan::BigInt | inline |
Hexadecimal enum value | Botan::BigInt | |
is_equal(const BigInt &n) const | Botan::BigInt | |
is_even() const | Botan::BigInt | inline |
is_less_than(const BigInt &n) const | Botan::BigInt | |
is_negative() const | Botan::BigInt | inline |
is_nonzero() const | Botan::BigInt | inline |
is_odd() const | Botan::BigInt | inline |
is_positive() const | Botan::BigInt | inline |
is_zero() const | Botan::BigInt | inline |
mask_bits(size_t n) | Botan::BigInt | inline |
mod_add(const BigInt &y, const BigInt &mod, secure_vector< word > &ws) | Botan::BigInt | |
mod_mul(uint8_t y, const BigInt &mod, secure_vector< word > &ws) | Botan::BigInt | |
mod_sub(const BigInt &y, const BigInt &mod, secure_vector< word > &ws) | Botan::BigInt | |
mul(const BigInt &y, secure_vector< word > &ws) | Botan::BigInt | |
mutable_data() | Botan::BigInt | inline |
Negative enum value | Botan::BigInt | |
one() | Botan::BigInt | inlinestatic |
operator!() const | Botan::BigInt | inline |
operator%=(const BigInt &y) | Botan::BigInt | |
operator%=(word y) | Botan::BigInt | |
operator*=(const BigInt &y) | Botan::BigInt | |
operator*=(word y) | Botan::BigInt | |
operator++() | Botan::BigInt | inline |
operator++(int) | Botan::BigInt | inline |
operator+=(const BigInt &y) | Botan::BigInt | inline |
operator+=(word y) | Botan::BigInt | inline |
operator-() const | Botan::BigInt | |
operator--() | Botan::BigInt | inline |
operator--(int) | Botan::BigInt | inline |
operator-=(const BigInt &y) | Botan::BigInt | inline |
operator-=(word y) | Botan::BigInt | inline |
operator/=(const BigInt &y) | Botan::BigInt | |
operator<<=(size_t shift) | Botan::BigInt | |
operator=(BigInt &&other) | Botan::BigInt | inline |
operator=(const BigInt &)=default | Botan::BigInt | |
operator>>=(size_t shift) | Botan::BigInt | |
Positive enum value | Botan::BigInt | |
power_of_2(size_t n) | Botan::BigInt | inlinestatic |
random_integer(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const BigInt &min, const BigInt &max) | Botan::BigInt | static |
randomize(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, size_t bitsize, bool set_high_bit=true) | Botan::BigInt | |
reduce_below(const BigInt &mod, secure_vector< word > &ws) | Botan::BigInt | |
resize(size_t s) | Botan::BigInt | inline |
rev_sub(const word y[], size_t y_words, secure_vector< word > &ws) | Botan::BigInt | |
reverse_sign() const | Botan::BigInt | inline |
serialize(size_t len) const | Botan::BigInt | inline |
serialize() const | Botan::BigInt | inline |
serialize_to(std::span< uint8_t > out) const | Botan::BigInt | |
set_bit(size_t n) | Botan::BigInt | inline |
set_sign(Sign sign) | Botan::BigInt | inline |
set_word_at(size_t i, word w) | Botan::BigInt | inline |
set_words(const word w[], size_t len) | Botan::BigInt | inline |
sig_words() const | Botan::BigInt | inline |
Sign enum name | Botan::BigInt | |
sign() const | Botan::BigInt | inline |
size() const | Botan::BigInt | inline |
square(secure_vector< word > &ws) | Botan::BigInt | |
sub(const word y[], size_t y_words, Sign sign) | Botan::BigInt | inline |
swap(BigInt &other) | Botan::BigInt | inline |
swap(BigInt &x, BigInt &y) | Botan::BigInt | friend |
swap_reg(secure_vector< word > ®) | Botan::BigInt | inline |
to_dec_string() const | Botan::BigInt | |
to_hex_string() const | Botan::BigInt | |
to_u32bit() const | Botan::BigInt | |
top_bits_free() const | Botan::BigInt | |
with_capacity(size_t n) | Botan::BigInt | static |
word_at(size_t n) const | Botan::BigInt | inline |
zero() | Botan::BigInt | inlinestatic |
~BigInt() | Botan::BigInt | inline |