Botan 3.7.1
Crypto and TLS for C&
Go to the documentation of this file.
2* TLS record layer implementation for TLS 1.3
3* (C) 2022 Jack Lloyd
4* 2022 Hannes Rantzsch, René Meusel - neXenio GmbH
6* Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
9#include <botan/internal/tls_record_layer_13.h>
11#include <botan/tls_alert.h>
12#include <botan/tls_exceptn.h>
13#include <botan/tls_version.h>
14#include <botan/internal/tls_cipher_state.h>
15#include <botan/internal/tls_reader.h>
17namespace Botan::TLS {
19namespace {
21template <typename IteratorT>
22bool verify_change_cipher_spec(const IteratorT data, const size_t size) {
23 // RFC 8446 5.
24 // An implementation may receive an unencrypted record of type
25 // change_cipher_spec consisting of the single byte value 0x01
26 // at any time [...]. An implementation which receives any other
27 // change_cipher_spec value or which receives a protected
28 // change_cipher_spec record MUST abort the handshake [...].
29 const size_t expected_fragment_length = 1;
30 const uint8_t expected_fragment_byte = 0x01;
31 return (size == expected_fragment_length && *data == expected_fragment_byte);
34Record_Type read_record_type(const uint8_t type_byte) {
35 // RFC 8446 5.
36 // If a TLS implementation receives an unexpected record type,
37 // it MUST terminate the connection with an "unexpected_message" alert.
38 if(type_byte != static_cast<uint8_t>(Record_Type::ApplicationData) &&
39 type_byte != static_cast<uint8_t>(Record_Type::Handshake) &&
40 type_byte != static_cast<uint8_t>(Record_Type::Alert) &&
41 type_byte != static_cast<uint8_t>(Record_Type::ChangeCipherSpec)) {
42 throw TLS_Exception(Alert::UnexpectedMessage, "TLS record type had unexpected value");
43 }
45 return static_cast<Record_Type>(type_byte);
49 * RFC 8446 5.1 `TLSPlaintext` without the `fragment` payload data
50 */
51class TLSPlaintext_Header final {
52 public:
53 TLSPlaintext_Header(std::vector<uint8_t> hdr, const bool check_tls13_version) {
54 m_type = read_record_type(hdr[0]);
55 m_legacy_version = Protocol_Version(make_uint16(hdr[1], hdr[2]));
56 m_fragment_length = make_uint16(hdr[3], hdr[4]);
57 m_serialized = std::move(hdr);
59 // If no full version check is requested, we just verify the practically
60 // ossified major version number.
61 if(m_legacy_version.major_version() != 0x03) {
62 throw TLS_Exception(Alert::IllegalParameter, "Received unexpected record version");
63 }
65 // RFC 8446 5.1
66 // legacy_record_version: MUST be set to 0x0303 for all records
67 // generated by a TLS 1.3 implementation
68 if(check_tls13_version && m_legacy_version.version_code() != 0x0303) {
69 throw TLS_Exception(Alert::IllegalParameter, "Received unexpected record version");
70 }
72 // RFC 8446 5.1
73 // Implementations MUST NOT send zero-length fragments of Handshake
74 // types, even if those fragments contain padding.
75 //
76 // Zero-length fragments of Application Data MAY be sent, as they are
77 // potentially useful as a traffic analysis countermeasure.
78 if(m_fragment_length == 0 && type() != Record_Type::ApplicationData) {
79 throw TLS_Exception(Alert::DecodeError, "empty record received");
80 }
82 if(m_type == Record_Type::ApplicationData) {
83 // RFC 8446 5.2
84 // The length [...] is the sum of the lengths of the content and the
85 // padding, plus one for the inner content type, plus any expansion
86 // added by the AEAD algorithm. The length MUST NOT exceed 2^14 + 256 bytes.
87 //
88 // Note: Limits imposed by a "record_size_limit" extension do not come
89 // into play here, as those limits are on the plaintext _not_ the
90 // encrypted data. Constricted devices must be able to deal with
91 // data overhead inflicted by the AEAD.
92 if(m_fragment_length > MAX_CIPHERTEXT_SIZE_TLS13) {
93 throw TLS_Exception(Alert::RecordOverflow, "Received an encrypted record that exceeds maximum size");
94 }
95 } else {
96 // RFC 8446 5.1
97 // The length MUST NOT exceed 2^14 bytes. An endpoint that receives a record that
98 // exceeds this length MUST terminate the connection with a "record_overflow" alert.
99 //
100 // RFC 8449 4.
101 // When the "record_size_limit" extension is negotiated, an endpoint
102 // MUST NOT generate a protected record with plaintext that is larger
103 // than the RecordSizeLimit value it receives from its peer.
104 // -> Unprotected messages are not subject to this limit. <-
105 if(m_fragment_length > MAX_PLAINTEXT_SIZE) {
106 throw TLS_Exception(Alert::RecordOverflow, "Received a record that exceeds maximum size");
107 }
108 }
109 }
111 TLSPlaintext_Header(const Record_Type record_type,
112 const size_t frgmnt_length,
113 const bool use_compatibility_version) :
114 m_type(record_type),
115 m_legacy_version(use_compatibility_version ? 0x0301 : 0x0303) // RFC 8446 5.1
116 ,
117 m_fragment_length(static_cast<uint16_t>(frgmnt_length)),
118 m_serialized({
119 static_cast<uint8_t>(m_type),
120 m_legacy_version.major_version(),
121 m_legacy_version.minor_version(),
122 get_byte<0>(m_fragment_length),
123 get_byte<1>(m_fragment_length),
124 }) {}
126 Record_Type type() const { return m_type; }
128 uint16_t fragment_length() const { return m_fragment_length; }
130 Protocol_Version legacy_version() const { return m_legacy_version; }
132 const std::vector<uint8_t>& serialized() const { return m_serialized; }
134 private:
135 Record_Type m_type;
136 Protocol_Version m_legacy_version;
137 uint16_t m_fragment_length;
138 std::vector<uint8_t> m_serialized;
141} // namespace
144 m_side(side),
145 m_outgoing_record_size_limit(MAX_PLAINTEXT_SIZE + 1 /* content type byte */),
146 m_incoming_record_size_limit(MAX_PLAINTEXT_SIZE + 1 /* content type byte */)
148 // RFC 8446 5.1
149 // legacy_record_version: MUST be set to 0x0303 for all records
150 // generated by a TLS 1.3 implementation other than an initial
151 // ClientHello [...], where it MAY also be 0x0301 for compatibility
152 // purposes.
153 //
154 // Additionally, older peers might send other values while requesting a
155 // protocol downgrade. I.e. we need to be able to tolerate/emit legacy
156 // values until we negotiated a TLS 1.3 compliant connection.
157 //
158 // As a client: we may initially emit the compatibility version and
159 // accept a wider range of incoming legacy record versions.
160 // As a server: we start with emitting the specified legacy version of 0x0303
161 // but must also allow a wider range of incoming legacy values.
162 //
163 // Once TLS 1.3 is negotiateed, the implementations will disable these
164 // compatibility modes accordingly or a protocol downgrade will transfer
165 // the marshalling responsibility to our TLS 1.2 implementation.
166 ,
167 m_sending_compat_mode(m_side == Connection_Side::Client),
168 m_receiving_compat_mode(true) {}
170void Record_Layer::copy_data(std::span<const uint8_t> data) {
171 m_read_buffer.insert(m_read_buffer.end(), data.begin(), data.end());
174std::vector<uint8_t> Record_Layer::prepare_records(const Record_Type type,
175 std::span<const uint8_t> data,
176 Cipher_State* cipher_state) const {
177 // RFC 8446 5.
178 // Note that [change_cipher_spec records] may appear at a point at the
179 // handshake where the implementation is expecting protected records.
180 //
181 // RFC 8446 5.
182 // An implementation which receives [...] a protected change_cipher_spec
183 // record MUST abort the handshake [...].
184 //
185 // ... hence, CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC is never protected, even if a usable cipher
186 // state was passed to this method.
187 const bool protect = cipher_state != nullptr && type != Record_Type::ChangeCipherSpec;
189 // RFC 8446 5.1
191 "Application Data records MUST NOT be written to the wire unprotected");
193 // RFC 8446 5.1
194 // "MUST NOT sent zero-length fragments of Handshake types"
195 // "a record with an Alert type MUST contain exactly one message" [of non-zero length]
196 // "Zero-length fragments of Application Data MAY be sent"
197 BOTAN_ASSERT(!data.empty() || type == Record_Type::ApplicationData,
198 "zero-length fragments of types other than application data are not allowed");
200 if(type == Record_Type::ChangeCipherSpec && !verify_change_cipher_spec(data.begin(), data.size())) {
201 throw Invalid_Argument("TLS 1.3 deprecated CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC");
202 }
204 std::vector<uint8_t> output;
206 // RFC 8446 5.2
207 // type: The TLSPlaintext.type value containing the content type of the record.
208 constexpr size_t content_type_tag_length = 1;
210 // RFC 8449 4.
211 // When the "record_size_limit" extension is negotiated, an endpoint
212 // MUST NOT generate a protected record with plaintext that is larger
213 // than the RecordSizeLimit value it receives from its peer.
214 // Unprotected messages are not subject to this limit.
215 const size_t max_plaintext_size =
216 (protect) ? m_outgoing_record_size_limit - content_type_tag_length : static_cast<uint16_t>(MAX_PLAINTEXT_SIZE);
218 const auto records = std::max((data.size() + max_plaintext_size - 1) / max_plaintext_size, size_t(1));
219 auto output_length = records * TLS_HEADER_SIZE;
220 if(protect) {
221 // n-1 full records of size max_plaintext_size
222 output_length +=
223 (records - 1) * cipher_state->encrypt_output_length(max_plaintext_size + content_type_tag_length);
224 // last record with size of remaining data
225 output_length += cipher_state->encrypt_output_length(data.size() - ((records - 1) * max_plaintext_size) +
226 content_type_tag_length);
227 } else {
228 output_length += data.size();
229 }
230 output.reserve(output_length);
232 size_t pt_offset = 0;
233 size_t to_process = data.size();
235 // For protected records we need to write at least one encrypted fragment,
236 // even if the plaintext size is zero. This happens only for Application
237 // Data types.
238 BOTAN_ASSERT_NOMSG(to_process != 0 || protect);
239 do {
240 const size_t pt_size = std::min<size_t>(to_process, max_plaintext_size);
241 const size_t ct_size =
242 (!protect) ? pt_size : cipher_state->encrypt_output_length(pt_size + content_type_tag_length);
243 const auto pt_type = (!protect) ? type : Record_Type::ApplicationData;
245 // RFC 8446 5.1
246 // MUST be set to 0x0303 for all records generated by a TLS 1.3
247 // implementation other than an initial ClientHello [...], where
248 // it MAY also be 0x0301 for compatibility purposes.
249 const auto record_header = TLSPlaintext_Header(pt_type, ct_size, m_sending_compat_mode).serialized();
251 output.insert(output.end(), record_header.cbegin(), record_header.cend());
253 auto pt_fragment = data.subspan(pt_offset, pt_size);
254 if(protect) {
255 secure_vector<uint8_t> fragment;
256 fragment.reserve(ct_size);
258 // assemble TLSInnerPlaintext structure
259 fragment.insert(fragment.end(), pt_fragment.begin(), pt_fragment.end());
260 fragment.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>(type));
261 // TODO: zero padding could go here, see RFC 8446 5.4
263 cipher_state->encrypt_record_fragment(record_header, fragment);
264 BOTAN_ASSERT_NOMSG(fragment.size() == ct_size);
266 output.insert(output.end(), fragment.cbegin(), fragment.cend());
267 } else {
268 output.insert(output.end(), pt_fragment.begin(), pt_fragment.end());
269 }
271 pt_offset += pt_size;
272 to_process -= pt_size;
273 } while(to_process > 0);
275 BOTAN_ASSERT_NOMSG(output.size() == output_length);
276 return output;
280 if(m_read_buffer.size() < TLS_HEADER_SIZE) {
281 return TLS_HEADER_SIZE - m_read_buffer.size();
282 }
284 const auto header_begin = m_read_buffer.cbegin();
285 const auto header_end = header_begin + TLS_HEADER_SIZE;
287 // The first received record(s) are likely a client or server hello. To be able to
288 // perform protocol downgrades we must be less vigorous with the record's
289 // legacy version. Hence, `check_tls13_version` is `false` for the first record(s).
290 TLSPlaintext_Header plaintext_header({header_begin, header_end}, !m_receiving_compat_mode);
292 // After the key exchange phase of the handshake is completed and record protection is engaged,
293 // cipher_state is set. At this point, only protected traffic (and CCS) is allowed.
294 //
295 // RFC 8446 2.
296 // - Key Exchange: Establish shared keying material and select the
297 // cryptographic parameters. Everything after this phase is
298 // encrypted.
299 // RFC 8446 5.
300 // An implementation may receive an unencrypted [CCS] at any time
301 if(cipher_state != nullptr && plaintext_header.type() != Record_Type::ApplicationData &&
302 plaintext_header.type() != Record_Type::ChangeCipherSpec &&
303 (!cipher_state->must_expect_unprotected_alert_traffic() || plaintext_header.type() != Record_Type::Alert)) {
304 throw TLS_Exception(Alert::UnexpectedMessage, "unprotected record received where protected traffic was expected");
305 }
307 if(m_read_buffer.size() < TLS_HEADER_SIZE + plaintext_header.fragment_length()) {
308 return TLS_HEADER_SIZE + plaintext_header.fragment_length() - m_read_buffer.size();
309 }
311 const auto fragment_begin = header_end;
312 const auto fragment_end = fragment_begin + plaintext_header.fragment_length();
314 if(plaintext_header.type() == Record_Type::ChangeCipherSpec &&
315 !verify_change_cipher_spec(fragment_begin, plaintext_header.fragment_length())) {
316 throw TLS_Exception(Alert::UnexpectedMessage, "malformed change cipher spec record received");
317 }
319 Record record(plaintext_header.type(), secure_vector<uint8_t>(fragment_begin, fragment_end));
320 m_read_buffer.erase(header_begin, fragment_end);
322 if(record.type == Record_Type::ApplicationData) {
323 if(cipher_state == nullptr) {
324 // This could also mean a misuse of the interface, i.e. failing to provide a valid
325 // cipher_state to parse_records when receiving valid (encrypted) Application Data.
326 throw TLS_Exception(Alert::UnexpectedMessage, "premature Application Data received");
327 }
329 if(record.fragment.size() < cipher_state->minimum_decryption_input_length()) {
330 throw TLS_Exception(Alert::BadRecordMac, "incomplete record mac received");
331 }
333 if(cipher_state->decrypt_output_length(record.fragment.size()) > m_incoming_record_size_limit) {
334 throw TLS_Exception(Alert::RecordOverflow, "Received an encrypted record that exceeds maximum plaintext size");
335 }
337 record.seq_no = cipher_state->decrypt_record_fragment(plaintext_header.serialized(), record.fragment);
339 // Remove record padding (RFC 8446 5.4).
340 const auto end_of_content =
341 std::find_if(record.fragment.crbegin(), record.fragment.crend(), [](auto byte) { return byte != 0x00; });
343 if(end_of_content == record.fragment.crend()) {
344 // RFC 8446 5.4
345 // If a receiving implementation does not
346 // find a non-zero octet in the cleartext, it MUST terminate the
347 // connection with an "unexpected_message" alert.
348 throw TLS_Exception(Alert::UnexpectedMessage, "No content type found in encrypted record");
349 }
351 // hydrate the actual content type from TLSInnerPlaintext
352 record.type = read_record_type(*end_of_content);
354 if(record.type == Record_Type::ChangeCipherSpec) {
355 // RFC 8446 5
356 // An implementation [...] which receives a protected change_cipher_spec record MUST
357 // abort the handshake with an "unexpected_message" alert.
358 throw TLS_Exception(Alert::UnexpectedMessage, "protected change cipher spec received");
359 }
361 // erase content type and padding
362 record.fragment.erase((end_of_content + 1).base(), record.fragment.cend());
363 }
365 return record;
368void Record_Layer::set_record_size_limits(const uint16_t outgoing_limit, const uint16_t incoming_limit) {
369 BOTAN_ARG_CHECK(outgoing_limit >= 64, "Invalid outgoing record size limit");
370 BOTAN_ARG_CHECK(incoming_limit >= 64 && incoming_limit <= MAX_PLAINTEXT_SIZE + 1,
371 "Invalid incoming record size limit");
373 // RFC 8449 4.
374 // Even if a larger record size limit is provided by a peer, an endpoint
375 // MUST NOT send records larger than the protocol-defined limit, unless
376 // explicitly allowed by a future TLS version or extension.
377 m_outgoing_record_size_limit = std::min(outgoing_limit, static_cast<uint16_t>(MAX_PLAINTEXT_SIZE + 1));
378 m_incoming_record_size_limit = incoming_limit;
381} // namespace Botan::TLS
#define BOTAN_ASSERT_NOMSG(expr)
Definition assert.h:59
#define BOTAN_ARG_CHECK(expr, msg)
Definition assert.h:29
#define BOTAN_ASSERT(expr, assertion_made)
Definition assert.h:50
uint64_t decrypt_record_fragment(const std::vector< uint8_t > &header, secure_vector< uint8_t > &encrypted_fragment)
size_t minimum_decryption_input_length() const
bool must_expect_unprotected_alert_traffic() const
uint64_t encrypt_record_fragment(const std::vector< uint8_t > &header, secure_vector< uint8_t > &fragment)
size_t encrypt_output_length(size_t input_length) const
size_t decrypt_output_length(size_t input_length) const
std::variant< BytesNeeded, ResT > ReadResult
Record_Layer(Connection_Side side)
void copy_data(std::span< const uint8_t > data_from_peer)
std::vector< uint8_t > prepare_records(Record_Type type, std::span< const uint8_t > data, Cipher_State *cipher_state=nullptr) const
void set_record_size_limits(uint16_t outgoing_limit, uint16_t incoming_limit)
ReadResult< Record > next_record(Cipher_State *cipher_state=nullptr)
int(* final)(unsigned char *, CTX *)
Definition tls_magic.h:30
Definition tls_magic.h:40
Definition tls_magic.h:25
constexpr uint8_t get_byte(T input)
Definition loadstor.h:75
std::vector< T, secure_allocator< T > > secure_vector
Definition secmem.h:61
constexpr uint16_t make_uint16(uint8_t i0, uint8_t i1)
Definition loadstor.h:88
std::optional< uint64_t > seq_no
secure_vector< uint8_t > fragment