Botan 3.7.1
Crypto and TLS for C&
This is the complete list of members for Botan::SIMD_4x32, including all inherited members.
andc(const SIMD_4x32 &other) const noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
bswap() const noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
choose(const SIMD_4x32 &mask, const SIMD_4x32 &a, const SIMD_4x32 &b) noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inlinestatic |
load_be(const void *in) noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inlinestatic |
load_be(std::span< const uint8_t, 16 > in) | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inlinestatic |
load_le(const void *in) noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inlinestatic |
load_le(std::span< const uint8_t, 16 > in) | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inlinestatic |
majority(const SIMD_4x32 &x, const SIMD_4x32 &y, const SIMD_4x32 &z) noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inlinestatic |
operator&(const SIMD_4x32 &other) const noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
operator&=(const SIMD_4x32 &other) noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
operator+(const SIMD_4x32 &other) const noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
operator+=(const SIMD_4x32 &other) noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
operator-(const SIMD_4x32 &other) const noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
operator-=(const SIMD_4x32 &other) noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
operator=(const SIMD_4x32 &other)=default | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | |
operator=(SIMD_4x32 &&other)=default | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | |
operator^(const SIMD_4x32 &other) const noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
operator^=(const SIMD_4x32 &other) noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
operator^=(uint32_t other) noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
operator|(const SIMD_4x32 &other) const noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
operator|=(const SIMD_4x32 &other) noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
operator~() const noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
raw() const noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
rotl() const noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
rotr() const noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
shift_elems_left() const noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
shift_elems_right() const noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
shl() const noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
shr() const noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
sigma0() const noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
sigma1() const noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
SIMD_4x32(const SIMD_4x32 &other)=default | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | |
SIMD_4x32(SIMD_4x32 &&other)=default | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | |
SIMD_4x32() noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
SIMD_4x32(const uint32_t B[4]) noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inlineexplicit |
SIMD_4x32(uint32_t B0, uint32_t B1, uint32_t B2, uint32_t B3) noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
SIMD_4x32(native_simd_type x) noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inlineexplicit |
splat(uint32_t B) noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inlinestatic |
splat_u8(uint8_t B) noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inlinestatic |
store_be(uint32_t out[4]) const noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
store_be(uint8_t out[]) const noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
store_be(std::span< uint8_t, 16 > out) const | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
store_le(uint32_t out[4]) const noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
store_le(uint64_t out[2]) const noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
store_le(uint8_t out[]) const noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
store_le(std::span< uint8_t, 16 > out) const | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inline |
transpose(SIMD_4x32 &B0, SIMD_4x32 &B1, SIMD_4x32 &B2, SIMD_4x32 &B3) noexcept | Botan::SIMD_4x32 | inlinestatic |
~SIMD_4x32()=default | Botan::SIMD_4x32 |